Live Healthy: Be Balanced.
Program Titles
- My Scale is a Liar & a Thief: How obsessing over weight can steal your happiness
- Count Chemicals Not Calories: How to win at the food labeling games
- Over Medicated & Under Educated: Talk to your doctor about YOU!
- Microwaved Brains; Served Daily at Your Local WiFi Hotspot: Understanding the hazards of wireless devices and how to minimize the risk
- The Most Lucrative Investment Option Available! Learn how to create the highest return by investing in your health
- Are You Getting Your Daily Intake of Vitamin L? Learn the significance of this VERY important nutrient
- Take a Vacation from Inflammation: What inflammation is and practical ways to put out the fire
- Suffering is a Choice – Choose to Process the Past: How holding onto unhealthy attachments from the past can cause health problems in the present
- Healthy Eating = Healthy Thoughts & Feelings: How thoughts & emotions can affect the way you eat
Michael Tamez on Holistic Health who lost 105 pounds, lowered his blood pressure, and reversed sleep apnea and advanced gum disease.
This was all accomplished without drugs or surgery. These experiences combined led Michael to discover his true passion in life.
He is dedicated to guiding, empowering, and sharing the knowledge and wisdom he has acquired.
Drawing from this incredible health transformation, Transformative Nutrition: The Ultimate Guide to Healthy and Balanced Living.
His program is powerfully designed to create a permanent shift in the way people eat, think, feel, live, and love.
Michael’s message is designed to empower people so they can take their health back into their own hands.
Cutting through today’s conflicting information about nutrition, Michael would be presenting a diet-free permanent weight loss solution to the obesity epidemic.
This solution does not involve counting calories, obsessing over fats and carbs, or buying expensive supplements. Instead, his mission is to educate people so they understand how to seek within so they can discover what works for their own body exclusively.
His unique and progressive approach will invite your audience to establish a healthy and functional relationship with food, their lifestyle, and most importantly their authentic selves…
Books by Michael Tamez
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