Yesterday’s ideas and actions are no longer effective: The Wake Up Call
Program Titles
- Why Should Someone Do Business With You…Rather Than Someone Else? Tactics to Get and Keep Customers
- Execute or Be Executed: Tactics to Move Strategic Thinking to Strategic Doing
- Would You Work For You? Strategies to Better Your Leadership Skills
- Look Out! Here Comes Tomorrow! Strategies to Prepare for Tomorrow… Today
- If I Hear Customer Service One More Time, I’ll… : Service Strategies to Achieve Zero Customer Defections
- Differentiate… Or Die: Strategies to Use Differentiation as a Competitive Advantage
- You Pay Bills With Dollars…Not Percentages: Strategies to Control Inventory and Manage Profitability
- Meeting the Challenge of Goliath: Strategies to Secure a Viable Marketplace Position
- The Power of One Idea: Acquiring and using appropriate strategies to maximize resources, harness brainpower and engage employees.
Sam Geist’s programs focus on business strategy, leadership, customer service, the changing marketplace and maximizing staff productivity.
He grew The Outdoor Stores into a 15-store national sporting goods chain. He sold his multi-million dollar organization to his largest competitor. That experience was invaluable in clarifying his understanding of sales and marketing, the marketplace and its customers.
Capitalizing on this extensive experience, Sam opened his own advertising, marketing and consulting firm. His agency experience taught him well about the rigors of marketplace demands—and marketplace unpredictability.
He was able to hone his marketing skills, while he developed a valuable double-edge perspective—that of client and marketer.
He has extensive experience that he shares with companies involved in restructuring.
Geist conducts industry-related and company-specific research. Utilizing his years of experience he prepares and presents a variety of specialized actionable programs.
He has spoken to organizations in the automotive, finance, insurance, banking, construction, manufacturing, government, retail, franchising and service sectors.
Sam uses the Socratic method to encourage participants to question themselves, to think about their business in new ways in order to change, improve, and grow.
He insists that asking tough questions—and answering them honestly—is crucial to the well being of every organization.
He shows participants how to capitalize on their resources, and how to turn their knowledge into action.
Participants have so much more than “just stuff” to think about.
They have the ammunition, know-how, and incentive to turn their strategic thinking into strategic doing.
The Wake-Up Call is a new interactive program developed specifically for the insurance industry. This program offers concrete strategies, specific actionable ideas and tools guaranteed to grow your book while you capitalize on the opportunities available in our new marketplace.
This program will help you focus on the integral work required in your business today—and will ensure you are able to play your best game.
Seize your opportunity now!
Ask yourself:
Is your book growing—or shrinking? Why?
Who are your customers today?
What percentage of your customers are under 35 years old?
How much of your business is referral?
Where did you get this business?
How much of your business is new?
Where did you get this business?
How well does your office execute?
What’s getting in the way of getting things done?
In today’s rapidly changing environment where do you see your agency in two years?
In five years?
What are you doing now to move you there?
Are you ready to close the gap between where your business is right now and where it could be.
The Wake-Up Call program outline introduction
IBM Institute of Business Value research shows that 70% of the global industry executives interviewed expect significant change in the insurance business by 2020. 30% expect incremental change.
Make an effective response to these statistics – why and how-to
Impact of today’s marketplace on you, your agents and your office
Impact of today’s insurance marketplace on you, your agents and your office
Rule #1 Grow your book
40%-50% of new business is achieved through referrals.
By how much have you grown your book in the last year?
Strategies to grow your book in depth and in breadth
Maximize the resources that enable you to grow your book
(example: the value of hiring dedicated salespeople)
Re-think existing strategies to grow your book.
Find new non-traditional strategies to grow your book
Rule #2 Know your customers (they are no longer your old customers)
More than 90 percent of those who hold bundled policies renew those policies with their provider, while only 82 percent of non-bundlers do the same.
Who are your new customers—what are their needs, expectations?
Understanding the psyche of today’s marketplace
New strategies, new perspectives to loyalize your changing customers
Rule #3 Build powerful relationships
With Existing and New Customers 68% of customers are lost by indifference (of the company or the staff with whom they are
dealing) not because of product dissatisfaction.
What is your most effective relationship building strategy?
Strategies to add value to your services
Effective relationship building techniques – connect or re-connect
The value of “trust” in the connecting process—with customers, associates, suppliers
Rule #4 Execute your strategy
When asked what would most likely affect the long term success of a business, 49% of respondents replied “execution. ”
How well are you executing your plan?
What can you do to improve your execution?
Identify and remove execution obstacles
Focus on strategies to improve capabilities
Strategies to keep the strategy-execution gap closed
Rule #5 Lead–Become a company of Leaders
One of the most important research findings in the IBM Global CEO study was the need for experimentation, coupled directly with the power of innovation especially as it refers to the development and nurturing of new ideas.
The study concluded both the vital need for executive leadership in innovation and the important role of business model innovation in
profitable growth.
Re-ignite the passion in your office
Strategies to develop and maintain a company of leaders
Benefit of building leaders at every level
Strategies to inspire all those around you.
Q & A
Discuss issues of concern that are raised during program.
Discuss steps to take in the next 30 days.
By program’s end Participants’ will have discussed
How to grow your book
Value of selling deep and wide
How to leverage the talent you have
How to leverage new technology to get and keep customers
How to add value to the chain
How to grow a company of leaders
Books by Sam Geist
- Why Should Someone Do Business with You Rather Than Someone Else?
- Execute … or Be Exevcuted: Eighteen ways to move strategic thinking to strategic doing
- Would You Work for You?
- Make It Happen: 20 Ways to Execute Your Strategy Every Day
Book Sam Geist for your Event!