Preparing Today for Tomorrow’s Opportunities!: Today’s Administrative Professional
Program Titles
- Pushing Your Talents to the Outer Limits
- Success Through Effective Group Efforts
- Develop the Spirit of Winning
- Strengthen Your Skills for Continued Success!
- Today’s Actions Determine Tomorrow’s Results
- Leadership – What’s hot…What’s not!
- Resolve differences to build team harmony
- Unlimited vision – Unlimited results…for YOU!
- Strategies for Successful Leadership
Anita Reed: Today’s administrative professionals are finding what worked in the past, doesn’t work anymore. Rather than sit back, wait, and worry about your future, be proactive and set in motion the plans that will protect you tomorrow. This program will provide a blueprint for you to be the best and stay the best in meeting your challenging work environment.
Personal Success is in Your Hands
Discover how to create a strong foundation for career excellence
Examine seven ways to become an expert in your field
Expand your level of interest to achieve personal growth
Conquer fear and self-doubt with a high level of confidence
Look at meeting and beating your own expectations
Job Knowledge Creates Your Future
Identify your capabilities and make the most of them
Discover your capacity for helpful leadership
Understand “power” is not a dirty word
Discover the potential benefits of being powerful
Produce the results you want with positive action
Transform Your Career into a Satisfying Journey
Examine why nothing has any meaning except what we give it
Uncover why some people generate fabulous results and others just get by
Discover how to cure the procrastination trap
Focus on strategic life planning for outstanding results
Energize your life and career with endless optimism
In this increasingly competitive world, you are expected to identify the competencies, knowledge, and behaviors necessary to improve performance in your current position and to prepare for future opportunities. For continued career growth and personal satisfaction, you must be certain you are making the maximum contribution to your organization.
The Mastery of Professionalism
Define success by today’s workplace standards
Discover what credentials employers are seeking in today’s administrative professionals
Uncover seven ways to build career security
Increase your professional value in your area of expertise
Pushing Your Talents to the Outer Limits
Make high-quality decisions with do-or-die deadlines and shifting multiple priorities
Achieve a balanced approach to problem-solving
Question “analysis paralysis” and trusting your gut feeling
Develop a new set of thinking skills
Establish powerful verbal and written communication skills
Success Through Effective Group Efforts
Discover basic values that are distinctively your own
Take a positive approach to conflict resolution
Uncover a simple but effective way of influencing others
Discover how to prevent chaotic situations and irritating people from ruining a perfectly good day
Change habits that are no longer consistent with the results you desire
Develop the Spirit of Winning
Reinvent your career with passion and energy
Eliminate thoughts that sabotage your confidence and career satisfaction
Discover four powerful characteristics of energetic individuals
Reshuffle failures to deal yourself a winning hand
Find ways to refuel your energy tank even after a hard day at work
Learn to live in the present and savor small pleasures
As organizations restructure to create new opportunities, they’re doing more with less to remain competitive in today’s marketplace. The rapid pace of change has left many employees confused as to the direction their careers will take in the future. The need to acquire new knowledge is essential for everyone to maximize his or her career potential. This program is designed to upgrade current career strategy and prepare one for continued growth in the future.
Today’s Actions Determine Tomorrow’s Results
Uncover the values of a strategic thinker
Test and evaluate your “change” quotient
Discover how to take risks and face fears with confidence
Identify ways successful people bounce back from setbacks and disappointments
Rules of the Road
Determine what managers want from their employees
Learn to make good decisions a habit
Gain the essence of team spirit
Discover the proof that “partnerships” work
Develop skills to become a self-motivating entrepreneurial employee
Leadership – What’s hot…What’s not!
Uncover myths and misconceptions of leadership styles in the past
Acknowledge the new theories of leadership
Identify characteristics that have made leaders great
Learn to set an example that others choose to follow
Resolve differences to build team harmony
Discover new ways to deal with difficult co-workers
Develop the ability to insulate your “hot buttons”
Understand why perception makes the difference
Experience the law of forgiveness
Unlimited vision – Unlimited results…for YOU!
Uncover six ways to achieve greatness in your own personal way
Find out if you let nostalgia cloud your future
Take advantage of your many talents
Develop the spirit of winning
Today’s advanced technology calls for different and usually higher skills throughout the entire workforce. Many organizations see a corresponding need for multi-skilled individuals who can perform different job functions that were once considered “managerial.” As the workplace changes and responsibilities increase, you must demonstrate your desire for continued learning to help meet that challenge. Let’s examine how proactive thinkers get tangible results that serve as role models for others to follows.
Thriving in a Changing Environment
Understanding the dynamics of today’s workplace
Question yourself …do you really want to change?
Create a new outlook for initiating change in your office
Develop your ability to envision adaptations
Share your vision and goals with others
Strategies for Successful Leadership
Identify traits of a successful leader
Discover the new principles of leadership
Pinpoint ingredients for innovative learning
Challenge your thinking for positive results
Building Excellence Through Partnerships
Establish key factors of team development
Determine the “bottom line” for effective teams
Understand different values and attitudes
Discover a positive approach to negative employees
Communicating with Power and Confidence
Communicate to be understood
Build a powerful vocabulary
Get your point across with credibility
Use gestures to create authority
Learn how to get and hold the floor
Technical Skills vs. Interpersonal Skills
Let’s accept it … we still need to get along with each other!
Anticipate the needs of others
Get others to go the “extra mile”
Uncover the power of questions
New Workplace – Are you ready?
With an increasing number of experienced people chasing fewer and fewer good jobs, it is imperative to take a proactive approach to your career. This program will guide you through the very latest information you may expect in the future workplace. At the end of the program, you will have a confident outlook for your future career plans.
Success is Never an Accident
Job security is a thing of the past
How to keep your career on track
Internet, virtual office, and the latest technology to stay up-to-date
Life is always new
The Unwritten Rules of the “Office Game”
The keen powers of observation
How to become more than a name at your place of employment
“Getting the job done” isn’t enough anymore
Capture the attitude to win
Positive Power for Beneficial Results
Examine the leadership environment of today
A new theory of leadership
Power – you can’t lead without it
Do things right vs. do the right things
The premium attribute – credibility
Don’t find fault – find a remedy
Your Blueprint for Success
The price of success
How to take “smart” risks
Conquer the constant demands of family and work
Where do we go from here?
Gone are the days of typing your employer’s memos, answering the phone or scheduling meetings. Now your “team members” are responsible for their own email, voice mail, and scheduling their own meetings. Today’s organizations are now offering exciting opportunities for all employees to achieve self-satisfaction and personal growth. Office professionals with several complementary skills sets are more likely to achieve a higher level of success than those who have become a professional dinosaur. Let’s discover the joy of success in today’s changing office environment.
New Skills for Tomorrow’s Workplace – Are you ready?
The driving forces of change
The life span of today’s technology
Career myths and today’s reality
Keeping pace with your changing career
Let’s redefine the requirement for your position
Building a Partnership for Positive Results
How the extraordinary employee is different from others
Fourteen qualities to maintain your success
How to effectively communicate with a busy team member
Expand your career with additional responsibilities
Building career security into your current position
Productivity and Job Satisfaction
Being empowered to make a difference
Discover ten ways you can save time tomorrow
Initiate ways to spend less time on the phone
Twelve steps to a healthier, successful career
Continuing Your Success in Tomorrow’s Workplace
Laws of survival and success – make them work for you!
Career trade-offs to balance work and family life
Let’s define lifelong learning
Cutting edge proposals for tomorrow’s opportunities
Where do you go from here?
One thing is certain in today’s workplace … change is here to stay. Employees are given the opportunity to respond to change in a positive way or retreat into the outdated thinking of “we’ve always done it this way.” In today’s competitive business environment that covers all corners of the world, the only way to compete is with a new approach to information, technology, and leadership. Creativity and innovation are the keys for continued success in the 21st century workplace. Remember …”don’t limit your challenges … challenge your limits.”
The Workplace of the Future
How to anticipate major changes in the workplace
Create a new vision for yourself
Creativity – don’t think harder, think differently
Finding the right solutions for tomorrow’s office
Communication Skills for On-the-job Success
Communication techniques that increase your success
The benefits of high-level communication
How to emerge as a team leader
Rapport – achieving results with other people
Forget faults – find a remedy
How to acquire an energy-building personality
Time Management vs. Self-Management
Essential characteristics for self-management success
Building a partnership to get positive results
Five techniques for finding more time
Adjusting work habits to accommodate the new workplace
Less stress doesn’t have to mean you “care less”
High-Energy – How to get it and keep it!
The impact of energy, productivity, and stress
Discover how to capture your energy throughout the day
Avoiding traps that drain your energy
How to acquire an energy-building personality
Reaching for New Heights
New dimensions generate new opportunities
Start new habits to break the old ones
Predictions for the New Workplace
Positive actions for outstanding results
Book Anita Reed for your Event!