Family secrets. We all have them: the courage to look within, and provides everlasting hope in the human spirit. St. Clair’s work inspires and empowers
Program Titles
- Project Metamorphosis: Finding the Courage to Look Within
- Embrace what Hurts: Sometimes the Best Healing Can Be Found in Helping
- Qualified by the U.S. Dept. of Justice to speak on I.D. theft
- Crimes: Victim, Predators Online, Identity Theft, Fraud / Scams, Domestic Violence
Chip St. Clair’s work inspires and empowers. Family secrets that we all have them: the courage to look within, and provides everlasting hope in the human spirit.
Chip St Clair is the recipient of a U.S. Congressional Record for ardent advocacy on behalf of abused and neglected children and fights to keep child predators behind bars.
He began sharing his story nationally, having been featured on major television programs such as Dateline and Good Morning America.
St Clair’s work often places him in the media spotlight as he fights relentlessly for tough legislation aimed at combating Identity Theft and protecting children, having worked with fathers-turned-advocates Mark Lunsford, and Marc Klaas, and most recently helping to pass Montana’s, Maryland’s, and Michigan’s version of Jessica’s Law.
Today, he shares his inspirational story with children and adults in schools, panel discussions, and seminars, as he lectures both locally and nationally. In his free time he enjoys outdoor activities, and indulging in his thirst for great literature.
The Butterfly Garden is my recount of surviving the hell I call a childhood, and finding the strength to soar through overwhelming and unbelievable odds when the darkest of family secrets was uncovered. The title itself lends its name from an allegorical reference I created for how I view the world — implying we all have the potential to transform into something beautiful.
Chip Anthony St. Clair is an American author and Motivational Speaker, best known for his inspirational memoir, The Butterfly Garden: Surviving Childhood on the Run with one of America’s Most Wanted. St.
Clair’s story has been featured on Dateline and Good Morning America among others. St. Clair worked with legislators and helped to create and pass the Identity Theft Protection Act in Michigan. St. Clair received a U.S. Congressional Record on behalf of his child advocacy work.
St. Clair was Regional Director a chapter of Justice for Children, where he made tremendous strides in aiding children caught up in the nation’s distressed child welfare system.
He created legislative initiatives, community awareness programs, and internship programs that still resonate among victims, survivors, and key stakeholders in the child welfare community.
St. Clair’s direct involvement in the chapter’s casework played a substantial role in the apprehension of two known child predators whose brutality toward children grabbed national headlines.
Books by Chip St Clair
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