David Everett Kessler will prepare you for interviewing process
Program Titles
- Inspire your employees
- How to Hire the right applicant
- Qualities of a good leader
- How to start a business
- What to look for with Prostate Cancer
- Dave will prepare you for life’s obstacles
David Everett Kessler will prepare you for interviewing process, obstacles; overcoming them, and a number of other business issues.
Dave uses successes and failures in business and life to help you grow and remain positive as you approach every day issues.
He will prepare you for the interview and applicant selection which will help you answer the basic questions for beginning a job search and following through on the interviewing preparedness process.
You will learn about interviewing techniques and how to select the right applicant for the job.
He will help you the interviewer become more proficient in evaluating and selecting an individual who will perform the job and who will be eligible for a promotion in the near future.
Preparing for the interview
Reviewing the job description
Pre-employment inquires
Reviewing the application
First impressions
Techniques of questioning
Applicant selection
Questions you can and cannot ask
Record keeping requirements
Leadership and Inspiration: You will learn how to evolve and stay positive. In the business world and life is all about compromise and getting back up again, and again, and again.
Everyone has problems. How we handle these problems by personal accountability, understanding each employee and relating to your base employees by helping them accomplish their goals, individually and as a group, is an important facet of the business evolution.
Dave mixes humor, audience involvement with hands on techniques that are stimulating, informative and funny as they relate to each member of the audience.
Dave shares information of personal experiences that are useful and informative in your job and life.
Each member of your audience will come out with more understanding of the leadership role in business and life as well as, how to deal with the obstacles that knock us down and why we have to continue to get back up again and again. .
Books by David Everett Kessler
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