Psychic, Crystals, Tarot basics, Energy Healing, Mediumship
Program Titles
- Debra is on the cutting edge of metaphysics merging ancient teaching with Quantum Mechanics.
- Debra’s Enlightened Insights The Spiritual Meaning of the Asian Tsunami
- It says just listen and trust. It says, just feel…and be in tune.
- Psychic Development
- Finding your Soulmate
- LightWorkers 101
- Creating what you want
- Angel Healing: Hands on Healing, Herb Works
- House Cleansings and Blessings
Debra L. Campbell is an amazing natural intuitive who has experienced psychic phenomena her entire life. Her ability to perceive and work with subtle energy has allowed her to help thousands of people over the years. Debra tunes into the soul level via quantum energy meridians to help others see and understand the current conditions in their lives as well connect with a deep level of their Soul consciousness. As well she teaches others of their interconnections with the whole and of “Quantum Spirituality.”
“Quantum Spirituality,” is a term she coined that vibrates to the phrase “As above, so below.” It is the science behind ancient teachings and the mechanism where by all the fields of Science, Religion, Mathematics, Astronomy, Archaeology, Psychology, Biology, History, Sociology, and Anthropology merge into one unified field the hologram of the universe.
Born in rural North Carolina Debra brings and innate Southern graciousness to all she touches.
Her candor and healing rapport cause significant transformation in those who hear her. As a multifaceted practitioner Debra is on the cutting edge of metaphysics merging ancient teaching with Quantum Mechanics.
She provides a forum for powerful mind, body and spirit issues, alternative health, art, music and current issues.
Topic range from acupuncture, Tai chi, crystal healing, animal rescue, beauty issues, to food and yoga.
“We seek to celebrate the knowledge and awareness in our diversity and allow this insight to help with planetary healing. We feel there is truly just one family and we want to raise social awareness and tolerance levels.”
As a non-denominational minister Debra for those who realize there are many ways to express the hologram of the source. This church celebrates diversity and the ceremony, ritual, reflections and spirituality of all who seek wholeness. Her mission is to celebrate cultural and spiritual unity by raising awareness through education, research and public forum and to provide charitable service to others.
She calls others of like mind to join her in the pursuit of “Quantum Spirituality,” (the science behind “as above so below”) and wholeness. People around the world have come to a somber pause to speculate about what the traumatic events in Asia and Africa on Boxing Day, mean for the world and its people. They wonder how so much suffering and damage could be done to us at a time when people around the world were still basking in the spirit of the season or preparing to bring in the festivity of a new year. With a resounding clang, nature brought our awareness to one thing. That is our humanity.
That is the sameness of each of us in the face of life or death, regardless of religion, race, country, social economic status or any device we have created to divide or segregate. Ultimately we see the human face within those suffering, dying, or standing trying to understand. We see ‘the one,’ and it is us.
Religious leaders have turned to their scriptures. Many others have stopped to ask why “God brought this upon us.”
Realist have looked and said they should have built better, or prepared more or, had early warning. Yet in each soul is still the ringing sound of ‘Why?”
One cannot observe the coverage without feeling some pang of deep compassion. One cannot hear of this disaster without stopping and looking at what they have to be thankful for. One cannot get past the feeling that this means something more for those lost, those living and the earth. And it does.
Humanity, the earth and the solar system stand at a time of change. This is to come from the deepest physical levels to touch on the holographic nature of space and life. It is time for us to become aware of who and what the nature of our reality is really about. This reality bypasses those given to us by science, our cultures, various religions, or the accepted history of things.
It sidesteps the tricks we try to pass on as to what life is all about. It sidesteps our denial of our multidimensional time and space. It forces us to think and it forces us to begin to listen to our core self. It forces us to break the cycle of brainwashing and illusion that has been upon us for years and years.
Our earth is a living being. We are aware that rocks, plants and animals have spirits. Well so do the earth the sun and other planets. This is actually a part of the ideology behind astrology. The earth as a energy being has Chakras, power centers and vortexes. The equator of the earth is along the middle power center which on our bodies is the Heart Chakra. The Heart center seeks to blend the lower and higher charkas in to a harmonious connection between our spiritual self and the physicality of our body.
If we want to raise our vibration and become more aware we work on the Hearth Chakra, the area for love, healing and balance. We can do this by energy work, sound, healing and movement.
If the earth wants to raise its vibration and that of the beings on it; the earth would work on the Heart Chakra. It would do this by healing and moving energy in that area of the Heart Center which on the earth are the locations on the equator.
Indonesia where the tsunami and earthquake occurred is on the equator of the earth. Scientist say that this event caused the earth to wobble. They say it caused us to shift a second in time. They also say the entire planet vibrated with this earthquake. The charkas of the earth shifted and indeed the equator area in particular. Also the significant major Hurricanes where near the equator. For some reason the Heart Chakra area of the earth is being worked on by natural forces.
So what does this mean? Is the earth working on itself? Even if these are considered just basic natural disasters they still have effected the Heart Chakra of the planet and correspondingly the Heart Chakas of people around the world. For indeed we are seeing an unprecedented outpouring of compassion, help and healing.
As a spiritual teacher I feel that it is indeed the case. This event has profound implications for the planet and those upon it. It seems to be a time when we can become conscious of how we are all connected. Take the case of animals being aware of the tsunami coming and tribes people and villagers who felt it and moved away even days before tell us that there is a fabric connecting us that holds the knowledge and awareness for all of us.
We can look at this event in terms of tragedy, pain, and suffering. It is true that is going on as well. Or we can also look at it as a shift in our world view. We can look and say that those that left the earth passed on in water which is from where they came in their mothers womb. They left in the basin of water of the earth. If you are aware of our spirits you know that they never die and these beings simply went to another level. Their legacy is to remind us of who we all are…Spirits of light and energy.
The outpouring of compassion and love should not be forgotten as coverage fades away. We must choose to remain aware of this opening that is occurring on the physical earth and in our physical realm of humanity. We must choose to see it everyday not just when events force our attention there.
Yet it is a choice for each of us to begin to see who we are and where we stand in the course of things. We can choose to gently open our awareness and attunement to our universal bonds or have them jarringly displayed before us. Look inside and see where you stand and do not walk silently with that truth…spread the word and healing of it.
Book Debra L. Campbell for your Event!