Authority about leading edge technologies
Program Titles
- His unique ability to present technical material in an imaginative and coherent manner has earned him the respect of the information management community around the world
- The Digital Era – the social effects of this Technology
- Computers and Social Responsibility
- Man and Machine relationships, Machine and Man relationships
- Computers – How do these darn things work
- Computer industry – its history and its future directions
Jerome Garfunkel is the quintessential “teacher.”
His unique ability to present technical material in an imaginative and coherent manner has earned him the respect of the information management community around the world. In the computer programming community he is often referred to as “Dr. COBOL” because of his many contributions to the development of the COBOL programming language.
Jerome Garfunkel is a specialist in learning systems design and technology. In the commercial IT (Information Technology) community around the world, he is recognized as one of the leading authorities in the field of international computer standards and programming languages, in particular, COBOL.
He has served as a senior Technical Advisor to the US Department of Commerce and the US Department of Interior. In addition, he sat on several American and International IT industry committees and has represented the United States in the international IT standardization community. His life long work on the development of the COBOL programming language made him intimately involved with the Y2K crisis – both its cause and its solution.
“Dr.” Garfunkel wrote and lectured extensively about the global Y2K crisis at the turn of the new millennium. As an educator, lecturer and technologist he speaks with authority about leading edge technologies and how they affect our lives now and in the future.
His technical presentations include the integration of legacy systems with web-based technologies. Jerome Garfunkel was awarded the degree of Doctorate, Honoris Causa in Technology, from DeMontfort University in Leicester, England for his life-time contributions to the Software Engineering community.
His collection of technical papers, memoranda and notes is housed in the Charles Babbage Institute in Minnesota for historical research.
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