A merger/acquisition/restructuring or cultural change initiative is in its planning stages, or one that has been tried and is failing to achieve its objectives.
Program Titles
- Dr. Pat analyzed our business plans and helped reshape our core sales strategies
- Mutual learning on what to do, when to do it, and how to make change lasting, real and transforming.
- Skills and strategies for leading the efforts
Dr. Pat Gill Webber is an authority on personal and organizational change, adult learning and transformation.
She works with individuals and teams at all levels of an organization giving them the support that they need to make deep, profound and lasting personal changes.
She believes that organizational change transformation starts with a focus on personal learning. From this personal growth comes the potential for transformation of organizations to be better places to work, more productive enterprises and better corporate citizens.
Dr. Pat Gill Webber played a leading role in implementing organ-
izational and cultural change within the Information Services area.
“Pat has helped us develop leaders and a culture of excellence. She has been a tremendous part of our success.”
•MA, Counseling Psychology
•MBA, Marketing
•Doctorate, Adult Learning and Organizational Change
Focus on the leader and the leadership team and the existing resources within the organization the organization and its people can and will come together to support necessary change and transformation initiatives
Books by Dr. Pat Gill Webber
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