How to Skyrocket Your Ad Response by Using Ad Agency Secrets of the Pros
Program Titles
Drew Whitman is an outspoken, humorous and philosophical advertising trainer, speaker and columnist with 15 solid years of hands-on experience. His newspaper and magazine articles teach thousands of business people how to use simple, but powerful techniques of Madison Avenue psychology to help them boost their advertising results.
No-Nonsense, “Cut-by-Cut” Advertising Instruction from America’s #1 Small Business
Advertising Psychology Trainer
… Grab Your Scalpel and Dig In!
A Second-Grader’s Secret for Discovering What Your Customers Want to Buy
COULD IT BE ANY EASIER!? If you knew a way find out exactly what your customers wanted… what they’d be willing to pay for… would you do it? It’s so simple, it’s staring you right in the face! (And I bet you never even thought of it!)
How Powerful Ad Copy
Can Make You Drool
Over a Bar of Bath Soap
YOU CAN DO IT! No matter what you sell… if you choose the right words, you can “romance” people into wanting your products! Click the link above and listen in on this frustrating conversation I had with a friend, trying to teach him this vital lesson.
How the Power of “Extreme Specificity”
Can Educate Your Prospects Away
from Your Competition-This fun lesson is about a technique so deceptively simple, yet so powerful, if you apply it faithfully, you will leave your competition choking on your dust!
How to Use the “Evil-Eye” Power of
Hypnosis to Influence People to Buy,
Buy, Buy-Get ready! You and I are going to jump into a sleek black limousine and cruise down Lexington Avenue and visit some of the most powerful ad-agencies in New York!
Books by Drew E. Whitman
Book Drew E. Whitman for your Event!