Make Your Event Xtra-ordinary!
Program Titles
- Destiny & Purpose: Determined to Finish
- You Can Speak Too!: Find your voice & use It
- Overcome the Obstacles of Life
- Attract, Sell, & Keep: T.A.S.K. Force
Frank Simmons, Jr. leaves your audience energized, refreshed, challenged, inspired, and motivated.
“Frank is an amazingly funny and gifted as he inspires through great humor and joy…”
“Frank injects humor and has the raw skill to captivate any audience regardless of setting and if you need to motivate; inspire employees at the same time.”
“Frank has an ability to relate personally with individuals of highly diverse backgrounds. Once Frank Simmons Jr. is in front of your group, large or small, his gifted approach makes each person in the room feel personally connected to him.”
The Man of Destiny…Frank Simmons, Jr., believes that fear is that thing that grips your heart (the place where dreams and visions originate) and attacks it.
If you use his definition then fear is a heart attack.
It is that thing that tells you or convinces you that you can not, should not, and will not be able to accomplish or achieve anything. It is that thing that tells you to give up, quit, throw in the towel, run, and hide.
Fear stops you from achieving your goals and stops you from dreaming. If it does allow you to dream then, it causes those dreams to become nightmares. It will arrest you and hold you hostage with the threat of harm, danger, or death.
How is it possible that a four letter word can cause so much damage and unrest in the hearts and minds of men?
Fear can immobilize your decision making. It can prevent you from overcoming insecurities, trusting others, and stunt your ability to grow.
It will cause you to be unproductive, and can stifle your motivation to pursue your dreams. If we don’t get a grip on the fear that torments us it will get a grip on us.
Fear is a nasty competitor and it plays a dirty game. It can sap the life out of you one drop at a time until there is no desire left in you to accomplish your goals, achieve your dreams, or go after your destiny.
Allowing your fears to assault you without retaliation will only result in defeat of your destiny.
Don’t wave the white flag and throw in the towel.
Why would you allow fear to back you down?
Stand up and face your fears.
He gives you a simple process to follow.
Identify it
Visualize it
Face it
Destroy it
Books by Frank Simmons, Jr.
- The Man of Destiny
- Unleash the Greatness Within You
- Pursue IT with All You’ve Got
- My Vision, My Plan, My Now
Book Frank Simmons, Jr. for your Event!