Nutritional Anthropologist
Program Titles
- Innovative Techniques to Beat Back Cancer and Learn How to Avoid it in the First Place
- Beauty and Fitness for the Thinking Human
- Improve employee health and save company health costs.
- I Eat Therefore I Think: Essential Tools for Life, Bringing Clarity to the Confusion
- Why Diets don’t Work
- Reverse the Aging Process
- Beat Back Cancer Naturally
- Discovering the Food-Body-Mind Connection
- Maximize Personal Performance & Increase Productivity: Even during the Afternoon-Slump
Geoff experienced at first hand the cultural and eating habits of indigenous peoples all around the world. As a nutritional anthropologist, Geoff studies the origins of the human race.
His “Bond Effect” precepts encompass:
The new understanding of the deep impulses programmed into our brains and how these insights help us manage our thought processes in today’s dysfunctional societal environment
The essence of the eating pattern for which the Human species is designed.
Controversially Geoff jettisons a lot of received ideas – the mechanistic approach of dietitians and nutritionists – and many of the treasured tenets of ‘alternative’ lifestyles. At the forefront of scientific research, he brings clarity to the conflicting messages that bombard us all. His work is based entirely on proven scientific discovery and is endorsed by medical professionals.
Geoff Bond lectures, writes and consults on the Bond Effect around the world. His latest book ‘Natural Eating’ is published in USA, France and Germany and soon to be in Russia.
Geoff’s precepts are a key element in Corporate Health Programs where he gives motivational talks and practical workshops to senior management and the workforce, for example:
In Geoff’s program a way to bring employee health costs under control and improve productivity. In addition to the talks and workshops, Emmanuel Kampouris, President and CEO, distributed 35,000 copies of Geoff’s book “The Guide to Natural Eating” to his workforce.
“Natural Eating could become the greatest resource book since another Englishman, Samuel Johnson, wrote the first English dictionary.”
Geoff Bond speaks also to Medical Establishments, Business Groups and Educational Establishments, such as the prestigious and exclusive private schools.
He has a long on-going relationship with the MEDICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTEs “I hope that Natural Eating will have a significant impact on the future of nutrition.” University libraries buy Geoff’s book as a resource book.
Geoff has over twenty years of speaking experience and is also a Radio and TV talk show personality. He is an accomplished and entertaining international Speaker, who sparks people’s interest. He is bilingual in French and often makes presentations in Francophone countries.
Books by Geoff James Bond
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