Special expertise in helping adults & adolescents with ADD & learning disabilities
Program Titles
- Does poor memory, inattention to detail, or disorganization erode your performance or profits?
- Do you have trouble studying for high stakes tests such as the SAT, ACT, GRE, MCAT, LSAT, or licensing examination?
- Concerned about your teen’s grades, homework, or college admission?
- Are the Demons of Distraction attacking you?
- Performance Breakthroughs for Adolescents with Learning Disabilities or ADD: How to help students in the regular education classroom.
Geraldine Markel, Ph.D.: Managing Your Mind programs, is an educational psychologist specializing in learning and performance. Geri served as faculty in the School of Education, director of Adult and Adolescent Services at the Reading and Learning Center, leader of the Instructional Design Workshop at the Executive Education Center, School of Business, and consultant at the School of Dentistry. She has special expertise in helping adults and adolescents with ADD and learning disabilities.
Co-author of several books applying behavioral research to productivity, in business, industry, healthcare, and education. Her client list includes Pfizer, Ford Motor Company, Domino’s Pizza, University of Michigan School of Dentistry, Michigan State University School of Osteopathy, General Television Network, and AT&T, among others.
How to combat the competing forces that destroy focus and energy at work and at home. Designed to arm employees and family managers with simple, yet powerful strategies to defeat common distractions, labeled demons, that interrupt your flow of attention and psychic energy.
Books by Geraldine Markel, Ph.D.
- Defeating the 8 Demons of Distraction: Proven Strategies to Increase Productivity and Decrease Stress, Managing Your Mind
- Educational Psychologist
- Managing Your Memory
- Finding Your Focus: Practical Strategies for the Everyday Challenges Facing Adults with ADD
- Peterson’s Parent’s Guide To The SAT And ACT
- Performance Breakthroughs for Adolescents with Learning Disabilities or ADD: How to help students in the regular education classroom.
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