How we sometimes get so focused on one aspect of our business that we miss a more important truth
Program Titles
- Instincts work in business decisions
- Never lose sight of your customers
- Who couldn’t stand a little more organization
- Businesses forget the importance of their front line employees; forgetting something that important can be a fatal mistake.
- Coping With Ethics Can Be a Sticky Subject
- Stress vs. Success: Learn to Love Your Job Again
- Leadership and You
- Making Relationships Work
- Difficult People – Domestic Violence – Conflict Resolution
Jane Boucher, Ph.D., author of six books, she uses both the podium and paper to promote personal and professional excellence. She will activate, motivate and turn your team into a driving force that will carry your enterprise to levels of performance and productivity you had only dreamed about.
She is also a nationally syndicated newspaper columnist appearing in business journals throughout the country.
Jane a high-powered Fortune 500 professional speaker, corporate trainer, tells it like it is with organizations such as: General Motors, IBM, Inc. Magazine, and the United States Air Force.
She has received praise from such notables as Senators and has shared the platform with General Norman Schwarzkopf and Bernard Siegel, M.D.
She has been on more than 1,000 radio and television programs, including CNBC AND CBN.
She provides powerful solutions to your company’s greatest challenges and helps companies maximize the potential of their people.
Through our many years of research, she has discovered that companies can experience the greatest and most rapid positive change in their organizations simply by focusing on their most valuable resource–their people.
Her training technology aims at energizing and synergizing people into cohesive and effective teams of excellence.
Are you looking to maximize the potential of your people?
Getting Results:
Do your people excel at reaching their goals?
Her programs are designed to help you and your employees be a High-Performance Work Team while achieving greater profits.
Do you have strong leadership within your organization?
Her programs are designed to teach Leadership Skills and to re-energize those on the front lines.
Personal & Professional
A successful organization is built on a solid foundation. How your people feel on a professional and personal level will collectively have a dramatic impact on your overall success.
She provides programs to help your people create a powerful vision of personal achievement.
The single greatest challenge in organizational America is the lack of communication. With widespread corporate mergers, downsizings and rapid-growth cultures, effective communication is in rapid decline.
With her programs she will give your people the tools they need to listen and to be heard.
The United States Senate
General Motors
Department of Defense
Department of the Air Force
Merrill Lynch
Prudential: South American Conference
Professional Secretaries International
California Association of School Business Officials
Books by Jane Boucher, Ph.D.
Book Jane Boucher, Ph.D. for your Event!