Media relations and grass roots lobbying
Program Titles
- Grass roots lobbying for corporations
- Media lobbying
- PAC development
- Lobbying From the Grass Roots
- Grass roots guy
- How to influence public policy by communicating with politicians
Joel Blackwell an award-winning editor, a media relations and grass roots lobbying firm.
Joel designed original research to find out why association members are reluctant to get engaged in grass roots advocacy, political campaigns and political action
The central idea is that most citizens, if they vote at all, go back
to sleep immediately after an election. The smart people and
organizations, however, know election day is like the day you hire a
new employee: You have to give them a job description and supervise
them or they chart their own course.
Joel emphasize the power ordinary people have when they speak to the person they can vote for, especially in support of professional lobbyists.
He has worked in 47 states and Washington DC since he started in 1985, helping corporations and associations recruit, motivate and activate grass roots advocates.
His program/s are fun and he is funny while he gives his audiences tried and true techniques to influence politicians. Through it all he helps them develop a positive attitude about politics, politicians and PACs; know how to build a personal relationship with politicians and deliver a message that will get positive action.
Joel uses humor, real-life success stories and wisdom from members of the audience to inspire people to action.
His programs are based on focus group research that asked association
members and corporate employees why they don’t write, phone and give
money to politicians. This research revealed important aspects of cynicism, fear and loathing that keeps most people from communicating their needs to elected officials. His program/s flows from the research and addresses the most frequent objects and obstacles to make citizen lobbying appealing and effective.
Books by Joel Blackwell
- Personal Political Power
- How Ordinary People Get What They Want From the Government
- Keep On Voting After The Election
- Empowering School Leaders
- Personal Political Power for Physicians & Medical Practice Managers
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