World Reknowned Quantum Physicist, Educator, Visionary, Author, Entrepreneur
Program Titles
- Human Potential: Collective Consciousness
- Thriving in the Global Information Economy
- Education: Education for Enlightenment
- Politics: Reclaiming Democracy
- Thriving in the Global Information Economy
- Potential Performance
- Government: Quantum Politics
- Politics: America’s Third Parties
- John Hagelin, Ph.D on Consciousness
John Hagelin, Ph.D., is a renowned quantum physicist, science and public policy expert, educator, author, and leading proponent of peace.
Dr. Hagelin has conducted pioneering research at CERN (the European Center for Particle Physics) and at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center.
He is responsible for the development of a highly successful grand unified field theory based on the superstring—a theory that was featured in a cover story of Discover magazine. His articles on electroweak unification, grand unification, supersymmetry and cosmology include some of the most cited references in the physical sciences.
Hagelin is one of the world’s pre-eminent researchers on the effects of meditation on brain development, and the use of meditation to address critical problems in the field of education, rehabilitation, crime and social violence, and post-traumatic stress.
Hagelin has helped bring evidence-based meditation to hundreds of thousands of at-risk children, veterans and active-duty servicemen and women.
Dr. Hagelin is a recipient of the prestigious Kilby Award, which recognizes scientists who have made “major contributions to society through their applied research in the fields of science and technology.”
The award recognized Dr. Hagelin as “a scientist in the tradition of Einstein, Jeans, Bohr and Eddington.”
Dr. Hagelin has appeared many times on ABC’s Nightline, NBC’s Meet the Press, CNN’s Larry King Live! …
He has been regularly featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and other major metropolitan newspapers.
Dr. Hagelin received his A.B. summa cum laude and his Ph.D. Professor of physics at University of Management.
Books by John Hagelin, Ph.D.
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