Delivering Knock Your Socks Off Service
Program Titles
- Tales of Knock Your Socks Off Service
- How to Retain At Risk Customers
- Parent-School Communication Advocate
- Create effective dialog
Kristin Anderson Bottemiller, whether working with Fortune 500 companies on strategic service initiatives, or assisting mom and pop ventures in creating uniquely satisfying customer experiences, she realizes that the fundamental need is clear and effective communication.
Guiding individuals and groups through a decision making process, creating a space within which participants can hear others and express themselves, or providing the neutral perspective in emotionally charged situations, are all part of her work.
Kristin works with Mediation Center for Dispute Resolution.
Serves on the Advisory Board for the Innocence Project.
Helps you identify the most effective ways to be heard and fully understood, even in situations where emotions may run high.
Books by Kristin Anderson Bottemiller
- Delivering Knock Your Socks Off Service
- Knock Your Socks Off Answers: Solving Customer Nightmares and Soothing Nightmare Customers
- Coaching Knock Your Socks Off Service
- Tales of Knock Your Socks Off Service
- Great Customer Service on the Telephone
Book Kristin Anderson Bottemiller for your Event!