Travel Expert, in search of knowledge: Adventure, geography, world affairs
Program Titles
- Yangtze River & Three Gorge Dam
- San Blas islands – A woman’s water society
- Secrets of China’s famous landmarks
- Mongolian Naadam Festival
- Speaking Elephant in Africa
- Pilgrimages of Faith – Worldwide
- Great Indian Civilizations of the Americas-Inca et
- Great Civilizations of the Americas
- Movie Star Images – Both natural & created
Lori Kaye, TV’s Travel Expert: The Silk Voice, on travel and destination awareness: Lively, Entertaining and Educational.
Kaye’s story-telling style makes the subjects fun, interesting and often provokes audience participation.
Discover China from it’s history to it’s mystery, from it’s temples and cities and through never previously photographed villages. Traveling from the borders o Mongolia, Russia and Tibet to it’s jungles, deserts, mountains, rivers and to the sea.
Caribbean Islands
San Blas Islands
Creating Personal Image
New Guinea
Only in America: A Lithuaniam Immigrant
Pilgrimages of Faith
Pyramids of Egypt
China’s Muslims w/film
7 Wonders of the World w/film
Secret places in Hollywood
California the country’s number one Destination
Weekend Escapes
Incredible life of Ling Fong: TV Personality, Storyteller, Actor
Terror and Tourism: The New Age of Tourism
Tibet, Roof of the World
Taunova Bay: Fiji Islands
Walking China: Tales of the Silk Road
Most Unusual People
Most Fascinating Places
World affairs, the travel industry, destination awareness, geography, marketing international travel issues, transportation, and world tourism employment opportunities.
Books by Lori Kaye
Book Lori Kaye for your Event!