Are you the architect of your destiny? : Come prepared to learn, laugh and live more fully.
Program Titles
- Ultimately, attitude is an inside job
- Laughter Is The Best Medicine
- We all born stress free, humorous and programmed for success-then life begins to degrade
- Health and Wellness
- Humor and Laughter
- Stress and Burnout
- If you can change your underwear you can change your attitude…
- Learn to love yourself. At times you will be the only one who will.
Mark Hood, M.A. (psychology) Mark has been the host of radio and TV programs and produces a weekly advice column on mental health through optimism. His primary interest has been in detecting the factors within stress resilient personalities and then implementing these into people’s lives. Life management focuses on our ability to take a pro-active approach in responding to the many stressors we face each day. Examine characteristics of stress resilient personalities, the mind-body connection and what we can do to improve our overall stress resistance resources.
The “challenges” that can only be accomplished through a cooperative group effort. The goal is to provide a safe environment that will promote growth, understanding, responsibility and eventually empowerment in decisions. A non-judgmental processing will occur to integrate the way in which the “challenge” was mastered and its’ application to life challenges.
Have you ever contemplated “What are the keys to success?” People view success in many different ways. Based on his two research projects with a variety of accomplished people, you will be given insights into common traits among successful individuals as well as ways that we all stifle our own potential.
Self actualization, peak experiences, focus, control, joy, happiness, in the zone, alpha-theta, mental mastery, flow, stress-free existence, nirvana, positive mental health, optimism, etc… Call it what you want, there is a potential that is within you that has yet to be fulfilled. It is not that we can’t achieve it, but rather, we have found ingenious idiosyncratic methods to block these experiences. We all possess the potential to achieve it, so we will explore the ways to retrieve it!
Is it really possible to use change as an opportunity to build strength and commitment? There is no denying the fast pace change that is taking place on all organization levels throughout the business world. Equip yourself with the right tools to confront the issues of challenge, anxiety and stress that these changes bring.
Learn to use a multitude of strategies that can be utilized to ensure that the mission and positive image of your business is understood.
Learn certain techniques that will turn you into a polished professional. It is the learned ability to create a flowing outline to get your ideas across with poise and getting to know your audience before you present your presentation.
Books by Mark M. Hood, M.A., LSCSW
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