Trust-Centered Leadership™ to solid
Program Titles
- Trust-Centered Leadership: Unleashing Peak Performance
- Our Spiraling Trust-Deficit and What To Do About It
- How a culture of trust makes extraordinary outcomes possible
- Trust from the Inside Out: How leaders build personal trustworthiness
- How leaders distinguish themselves from managers in five critical arenas
- How to get back on track with enthusiasm, no matter what goes wrong
- How to build your sense of self-worth around things you can control
- How to enrich the sense of self-worth in everyone around you
- How to take the lid off your potential
Mike Armour, Ph.D., people perform best in settings of high trust. And they are eager for leadership that cultivates trust in depth.
Dr. Mike Armour offers time-proven tools for building a high-trust, peak-performance culture.
And he has personally “field tested” these principles over a lifetime of demanding leadership roles.
Dr. Armour has held top posts in the Navy, business, higher education, political campaigns, fund-raising, and faith-based institutions.
He serves leaders, executives, and entrepreneurs who want to excel as strategic leaders and to build effective teams.
What Is Trust-Centered Leadership™?
As its name implies, Trust-Centered Leadership™ puts trust-building at the heart of the leadership enterprise. It creates the kind of deep, enduring trust that is vital for sustained high performance.
Those who practice Trust Centered Leadership™ measure every decision, every action, and every initiative against the goal of maximizing trust in themselves as leaders and in the organization as a whole.
Patriotic Themes:
What’s Right With America?
America: The Spiritual Roots of Our Greatness
The Grand American Experiment –
Holding Power Answerable to Principle
Books by Mike Armour, Ph.D.
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