Patti Wood MA, also known as the Body Language Lady: The gold standard of body language experts
Program Titles
- Being the Best You: Image and Impression
- Body Honesty: Detecting Deception for Investors
- Body Honesty: Detecting Deception for Lenders & Bank Industry
- First Impressions & Body Language
- Reach Out – Communication That Transforms
- Success Signals — Body Language In Business
- The Conflict Cure, Deception Detection
- Caring Concern for Patients,
- Marasmus, a Greek word, means wasting away
Patti Wood MA, author and body language researcher and expert.
She is touted by TV, radio and magazines for her ability to read body language and her in-depth knowledge of nonverbal communication.
The media and her speaking engagement clients describe her as a dynamic, powerhouse presenter.
Fondly referred to as The Body Language Lady, she has shared her unusual expertise on CBS, ABC, E-entertainment, Discovery Health Channel, Fox News, consulted with Dateline and Primetime, been interviewed on more than 100 radio shows around the world and has been quoted in more than 200 issues of national magazines.
She has taught nonverbal communication at the university level and spoken on the topic for more than 20 years. She was the national spokesperson for Wrigley’s Spearmint Gum and for Benadryl and is currently the national spokesperson for Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion.
These positions included nonverbal communication research and unusual marketing campaigns including survey-based quizzes Patti developed for use in the campaigns.
Team Building, Sales Presentation Skills, Body Language, Presentations Training, Customer Service, leadership Training
Patti Wood, MA, touch communicates. When allowed only to communicate with the hands (the rest of the body hidden by a screen), the sender was able to convey five different emotions: detachment, mothering, fear, anger, and playfullness.
“Gentling” behavior involves the stroking and touching of newborns and is essential to the growth and development of both animals and humans.
“Marasmus,” a Greek word, means wasting away. In the nineteenth century, more than half the infants in their first year of life regularly died from a disease called marasmus, also know as infantile atrophy or debility. It was later discovered that this was caused by lack of touch. Babies who were not touched on a regular basis would literally starve themselves to death.
In the United States there are norms of touch. When asked who got the most strokes (physical touch or signals of acknowledgement) 44 percent of those surveyed said their pets got the most strokes, 18 percent said their children got the most strokes, and 18 percent said family members got equal strokes.
Observations by Patti on Finding Balance In Life
Politics: …..Leisure time doesn’t pay taxes. We actually choose government officials who promise us steady work. What are we thinking? Working increases taxes and the gross national product that the government loves to brag about; why wouldn’t its officials want us to work more?
Consumerism: Focus on what really matters. We owe, we owe, it’s off to work we go. WE have chosen to work for stuff. Owning stuff feels good. Going to the mall and buying something provides immediate gratification. We work longer hours to get the nicer car to commute to the job with the longer hours.
The New Romance…..There’s a TV ad in which a young guy in a T-shirt gets his new business cards. He looks at the card as if it’s a beautiful woman , and then he kisses it. Face it, we are dating our jobs.
Books by Patti Wood, MA
- Maintain Balance in an Unsteady World
- Snap
- Swords, Shields, Daggers and Handshakes
- 303 Solutions for Accomplishing More in Less Time
- 303 Solutions for Dropping Stress & Finding Balance
- 303 for Developing the Leader in You
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