Pete Goss: Making the right decision – Daring to Dream’
Program Titles
- Rising to the Challenge
- Build the worlds largest catamaran and combined both all the individual talents of his team with the latest in technology and design.
Pete Goss, has the ability to connect and move an audience is rare, but to be able to stretch and propel people forward to want to achieve and learn more about themselves is truly remarkable – that’s the effect Pete Goss has on his audience.
His presentations inspire people to enter into a world of self-discovery, to realise their capabilities both individually and collectively, to sharpen their skills and then put them to the test.
Pete Goss is the ultimate competitor, whose outstanding ‘can do’ philosophy, combined with his limitless courage to overcome all the risks and dangers became abundantly clear in the worlds toughest yacht race, “The Vend Globe non-stop, single-handed Round the World Race”. His vision and ten-year dream in the making, resulted in him setting off from France, in a race that would test him, his team and the boat to the absolute limit.
Up against bigger boats, and far better funded competitors, Pete had to risk everything just to get to the starting line. Having had to sell his house and with debts round his neck, he knew that he would have to draw upon all his experience, endurance and strength of mind just to complete the race.
Then quite unexpectedly in December the drama of the race unfolded in the notorious hostile environment of the southern ocean. The world looked on as huge seas and winds of up to 80mph pounded stricken boat; he was facing certain death. After receiving the distress call Pete immediately turned his boat around and battled for two days against hurricane force winds to reach Dinelli and rescue him – the rest is now history.
Pete became the fastest British sailor to sail single handed around the world in 126 days and 21 hours. For his heroic rescue of Dinelli, he was awarded France’s highest decoration, the Legion d’Honneur by President Chirac of France, and the MBE by Her Majesty the Queen.
His single-minded determination during the last leg of the race became abundantly clear when he was forced to operate on himself without anaesthetic and just a few basic instructions to repair ruptured muscles around his elbow, after which he joked? “Now I’m truly a single-handed sailor”.
Pete’s captivating story of his life and the Vendee is now in print, “Close to the Wind” which summons each of us to search for our own vision, and to have the courage and determination to face our own challenges. He emphasises that his success is due, in no small part, to his totally dedicated and committed team, whose skills and focus are united, in a common drive to succeed.
People come away inspired from Pete’s talks, sharing in his ethos of taking responsibility for what they want to achieve and for what they believe in.
Books by Pete Goss
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