Change the conversation
Program Titles
- Building Accountability and Commitment
- Managing Differences and Agreement
- Conversations that Matter
- Negotiation Skills
Peter Block is about empowerment, stewardship, chosen accountability, and the reconciliation of community, which embodies Peter Block’s management philosophy.
Creating a culture of accountability and commitment, join the conversation and help create a future distinct from the past!
Award for Business Breakthrough of the Year.
Peter Block facilitate ways to create workplaces and communities that work for all.
He offers an alternative to the patriarchal beliefs that dominate our culture.
Bringing change into the world through consent and connectedness rather than through mandate and force is the ultimate goal of Peter Block’s efforts.
Flawless is about having impact when you have no direct control and has become a classic for anyone in a consulting role.
The Empowered Manager focuses on creating an organization of our own choosing.
Peter Block’s Stewardship is about the right use of power and designing organizations for service. The Answer to How Is Yes is about giving priority to what matters over what simply works.
Peter Block received a Masters Degree in Industrial Administration from Yale University and he performed his undergraduate work at the University of Kansas.
He has received national awards for outstanding contributions in the field of training and development, Development Award for Distinguished Contributions; the Association for Quality and Participation Presidents Award; and Training Magazine HRD Hall of Fame.
Professionals gain skills in turning recommendations into a decision to act, and ultimately increase line manager commitment. The objectives of our negotiation skills training are to develop feedback and decision support skills that increase the staff person’s ability to have a strong and positive impact on their client’s business results. We can develop the skills to become advocates for our clients’ own self-discovery and self sufficiency with the right point of view. With the use of negotiating skills training, you will discover the key to utilizing resistance and change as a chance for learning and developing deeper, more effective and meaningful relationships with your clients.
Books by Peter Block
- Flawless Consulting: A Guide to Getting Your Expertise Used
- Stewardship: Choosing Service Over Self-Interest
- The Empowered Manager: Positive Political Skills at Work
- Flawless Consulting Fieldbook & Companion: A Guide to Understanding Your Expertise
- The Answer to How Is Yes: Acting on What Matters
- Freedom and Accountability at Work: Applying Philosophic Insight to the Real World
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