Respectful Workplace: Humor in the Workplace
Program Titles
- Stereotyping in the Real World
- The Good, Bad & Obnoixious
- Workplace Violence Awareness: Workplace Violence Prevention, Business Security
- Media Crisis Managements
- Basic & Advanced Public Affairs
- Think Tank / Brain Storming
- Sexual Harassment
- Crisis Media Management: SOS: Media Intervention
- Diversity Sensitivity in the Real World
Rex J. Osborn A veteran law officer, a popular TV and radio personality, weekly columnist and adjutant junior college professor.
He shares with us many anecdotal accounts from his long and varied career and has a talent for entertaining, while still imparting a serious message.
On problem mediation, project definitions, or logistic planning by using a coordinated thought process.
All of his presentations are humor based.
Problems & Solutions Program are popular to resolve issues they don’t normally deal with or that one time project.
They range from problem mediation, project definitions, or logistic planning.
The process can range from a one time assessment review to contractual long term services.
Individual or Group Coordination of Think Tank or Brain Storming Activities:
Allows for new thinking to be developed by allowing free flowing thoughts. By using a coordinated thought process, this service can also allow different levels of involvement on the part of employees, volunteers and other consultants.
The process works hand in hand with Problems and Solutions Services.
Honors and Awards –
California Law Officer of the Year
Municipal Employee of the Year
Silver Beaver Award – (Boy Scouts of America)
Golden Apple Educator
California Peace Officer’s Association Award of Merit
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