A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting Out of Your Own Way
Program Titles
- Substance abuse specialists
- The Gremlin Taming
- Taming Your Gremlin®: A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting Out of Your Own Way
- Learn to use the wisdom of the Tao Ti Ching and the Zen Theory of Change in their own lives and with those they serve.
Richard D. Carson: Rick’s work has influenced thousands in virtually every walk of life.
Rick a psychotherapist, executive coach, and trainer for mental health professionals, businesses, and non-profit organizations.
His work is used in the training of psychotherapists, personal and executive coaches, substance abuse specialists, corrections personnel, teachers, corporate executives.
Gremlin-Taming is a method for meeting the inner challenge that is inherent in every activity from climbing Mount Everest to getting a good night’s sleep.
It is in a phrase or three, a graceful process for choosing light over darkness, good over evil (and boy those terms are loaded for people), or better yet, the true love that sustains you over the fear that can destroy you.
It’s a meaty subject, to say the least, but one that is germane to having a fulfilling inner life and a peaceful interdependence with others.
There is no getting around the raw and simple truth that peace on earth does, indeed, begin within.
Books by Richard D. Carson
- Taming Your Gremlin: A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting Out of Your Own Way
- A Guide to Enjoying Yourself
Book Richard D. Carson for your Event!