Humor can help diffuse difficult situations: RxHumor
Program Titles
- Self-Medicate with Humor
- Her humorous approach in communicating changes and upcoming events
- Her message is using humor to survive change. Ida Mae is a hilarious outspoken character who’s not afraid to speak her mind.
Sally Baskey, BFA made an impact on marketing, customer service, human resources, telecommunications, public relations, and employee communications. With a strength in managing technical areas as a non-technical person, Sally keeps it simple! Her presentations entertain, educate, and influence audiences by showing how humor can help diffuse difficult situations within an organization as well as in life.
Sally is a humorist and motivational speaker whose message is how to use humor to get through life. She shares her philosophy of using a sense of humor to deal with change. Her trademark character, Ida Mae Fudpucker, uses humor to spoof management and the numerous corporate reorganizations that are inevitable, but troubling to employees. She provides the comic relief often needed at your company meetings, training sessions, and conferences.
Both enteraining and thought-provoking, Sally Baskey will make your audience smile, but more importantly, Sally will make your audience think. You can be sure that Sally will make your meeting memorable.
Both enteraining and thought-provoking, Sally Baskey will make your audience smile, but more importantly, Sally will make your audience think.
Books by Sally Baskey, BFA
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