Show You How to Keep Your Customers Satisfied
Program Titles
- RESCUE is within your reach right now
- Do people immediately think of YOU when they want to buy what you sell?
- Is a good percentage of your business REPEAT business?
- Are many of your new customers REFERRALS from happy current customers?
Sydney Biddle Barrows: Once the classiest, most successful madam in New York, has the inside information on what men really want–their favorite fantasies, emotional needs, and specific desires in and out of the bedroom. But she has also discovered what they don’t get at home–and what makes them stray.
With candor, a little naughtiness, and an insider’s eye-opening perspective, the Mayflower Madam teaches you how to keep passion in your relationship, have better sex than you ever thought possible, and make sure the man you love stays committed to you, and you alone.
Yes, that’s right! Over 20 years ago, in another life, I was indeed known as “the Mayflower Madam”
Why Should You Listen to Me?
Most successful people will tell you that one of the best ways to make it to the top is to model yourself after other successful people.
Model yourself after a Madam, you ask yourself?
Why not? It’s not called The World’s Oldest Profession for nothing!
They’ve had centuries to test every conceivable marketing and selling idea, adapt to all kinds of challenges and changes, and devise innumerable, creative ways to cater to more niche and sub-niche markets than any other business I can think of.
So how did a nice girl like me end up in that business?
It all began in Retail.
Started off my career on the Executive Training Program at Abraham & Straus, at the time the jewel in the crown of Federated Department Stores, As an Assistant Buyer in the Bath Shop.
Eventually I was promoted to a branch store and was the Department Manager of Fine Jewelry, Watches and Sunglasses.
I moved on to a position as an assistant to the buyer of Ladies Fashion Accessories at the New York corporate buying office of the May Company Stores.
Later on I become the head buyer of Fashion Accessories at an independent residential buying office.
Retailing gave me a very solid business foundation in so many areas.
I learned all about the importance of image and how to create it, maintain it and change it; the mechanics of how to make a sale, the importance of product presentation, and how to price a product in various ways, depending on your purpose at the time.
I learned how critical it is to see your business through your customer’s eyes, to find out and give them what they want, not what you think they should have (or whatever is sitting on your shelves).
I learned that repeat business and loyal customers make up the foundation of every successful business and how vital it is to find ways to maintain and expand that relationship.
I learned how to treat employees in such a way as to instill unwavering loyalty, their desire to uphold the image of the business and to make them feel they are an integral part of its success.
I also received an unintentional education on how to ruin a flourishing business by personally observing how a management team can literally destroy decades of success by completely ignoring all of the above.
Learning what doesn’t work is just as critical, if not more so, than learning what does.
An irresistible challenge:
When I became unemployed due to my refusal to participate in a kickback scheme, a friend who knew I was struggling told me about a part-time position in the office of an escort service, answering the telephones.
At first, I didn’t want to have anything to do with it, but at the time, $50 a night off the books was very good money and eventually I said yes.
It was obvious from the very first night that while this may have been the World’s Oldest Profession, this particular proprietor wasn’t running it very professionally.
He ignored every good-business practice in existence and came up with even more bad ones on his own!
All the lessons I had learned were being so flagrantly flouted that it was a mystery how this guy had managed to stay in business for even a month, let alone the nearly 20 years he had been operating.
It didn’t take long to realize there were a lot of really terrific guys out there who were looking for an upscale and elegant experience and there was absolutely no one who was providing it.
The challenge was just too irresistible.
We knew there was a market out there, we knew we could do it so much better than anyone else in town, so one day we decided to just go for it!
I couldn’t articulate it then, but of course now I realize these gentlemen constituted a sub-niche market which had gone totally unrecognized and underserved in New York City (and just about everywhere else in the United States as well).
Nobody was giving these very wealthy clients what they really wanted.
No one was even paying attention to what they wanted, and had the means to pay for!
The business we were in was not the sex business, the business we were really in was the fantasy business.
Yes, there was sex involved, but if that was their main objective, they could have gotten it for a lot less.
What they were really paying for was an Experience.
They wanted the most beautiful, the most elegantly dressed, the most charming, the most expensive New York City call girl to walk through their door.
They wanted her to listen to their stories, laugh at their jokes, admire their financial success, and be enjoyable company.
They wanted to relax, escape their everyday life and feel like they were “still in the game” with a beautiful girl whose only agenda was to make them happy.
At the end of that wish list was “a sure thing”, but the experience just described was the main attraction.
Mayflower Madam, was published, much to my surprise Fortune Magazine named it one of the Top Ten Business Books of the year.
But the real shock came when several recent college graduates, most from MBA programs, informed me it had been on their required reading list for courses on small businesses and entrepreneurship.
When I heard it had been on the reading list at Harvard –
I’ve been a guest lecturer at colleges for years, including some in the Ivy League like Brown and Columbia (I’m still waiting for that summons from Harvard!).
I’ve also spoken at countless events for the very elite and prestigious groups and many other business groups.
I have a talent for seeing things with Fresh Eyes.
I have a real gift for spotting incongruencies between the image your business is trying to project and the reality a customer actually encounters –
I understand what Mental Movie your prospective customer sees in their head, imagining what it would be like to do business with you, based on the image your advertising and marketing are conveying —
I have a knack for figuring out what business a client is really in, as well as what business their customers want them to be in and how to reverse engineer it so the customer actually receives that experience.
Start learning all about Sales Design and Choreography by subscribing to my free e-zine, Sales Savvy.
Next, delve deeper into my experiences, the lessons I’ve learned and how to apply them to YOUR business for greater profits.
Take the plunge and explore XXX Rated Sales Strategies, the first and most controversial information product I developed with Dan.
Next, there’s my Sales design® for exceptional sales results program .
Many the most savvy business owners – the ones whose accomplishments make other folks turn pea green with envy – have major gaps in their sales operations through which literally hundreds of thousands of dollars in profits are draining – every day!
Worse still, they are genuinely puzzled as to why, after so many years of dramatic sales increases, their revenues seem to be leveling off.
And, when it comes to launching new endeavors, this same gap – if not addressed — causes even the most unique business plan with the highest success potential to crash and burn before it’s even had the chance to get into orbit.
PS: I’ve gone from toothbrush holders to diamonds to handbags to call girls to books and lectures, to Fresh Eyes consultant to Information Marketer – whew!
Keep an open mind and exercise a little creativity.
Books by Sydney Biddle Barrows
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