Raise the funds you need to accomplish your vision
Program Titles
- Recruit, train, engage and retain the nonprofit board you desire
- Build the infrastructure to maximize your impact
- Can We Use a New Philanthropy Approach to Recruit Volunteers?
Terrie Temkin, Ph.D., an expert in nonprofit governance and board development, who is dedicated to building community, not just organizations. The strategic intents embedded in your vision statement can open doors to resources you never imagined; and the access formula is simple. Temkin is an acknowledged thought leader in the areas of governance, board development and planning.
She engages diverse segments of the community around transformative visions.
Provides the most unique capacity and community building available to nonprofit organizations today. She helps organizations turn their vision into reality, their mission statement into action by uniting their entire team around common goals that interweave board development, planning, fund development, public relations, marketing and public policy in an integrated approach.
You’ll see more passion, leadership, shared vision and accountability as a result of the knowledge, skills and motivation with Terrie.
As an award-winning speaker, an engaging group facilitator and a prolific writer, Terrie brings many years of nonprofit management, organizational and interpersonal communication, and adult education experience to her work.
Book Terrie Temkin, Ph.D. for your Event!