Specializes in the protection of clients’ intangible assets
Program Titles
- Patent Attorney
Mr. North, studies in electronics, law: patent practice, Mr. North has extended his technology background into robotics, computer hardware and software, and bioengineering. Patent Attorney in support of the research program for the University. In addition to experience with technology transfer and licensing on behalf of the University, his field of patent work included the Jarvik artificial heart series, advanced laser gyroscopes for NASA, ceramic materials, numerous medical devices, including fundamental patents on iontophoresis, peritoneal dialysis and advanced heart research. Mr. North also secured the fundamental patents on the work in his threshold development of field flow fractionation and related fields of chemical analysis.
During the over twenty years, Mr. North authored over 1000 patents. Fields of technology extend through all disciplines, with emphasis on fiber-reinforced composites, robotics and supporting control algorithms, artificial organs, ventricle assist devices and blood pumps, neural networks, anesthesia delivery devices.
Mr. North continued in private practice with personal representation of and his continued research leading toward development of the total artificial heart. Audio and electronics work includes patents on the Flashback Digital Recorder (Discovery Magazine invention of the year, parametric speaker systems for converting ultrasonic emissions to audio output (Discovery Magazine invention of the year and the new SFT Flat Panel Audio Speaker recognized at the CES Show.
Mr. North has patented seven of his own inventions, including US Patent 5,955,790 for a method and device for converting ocean surf to useful electrical current. Man of the Year, and has been awarded the highest accolade of AV rating for attorneys by Law Directory.
Mr. North serves on the Governor’s Task Force for Tech Transfer and is an advisory board member to the Chapter of the Entrepreneurial Institute. He is the founder and conductor of the New Millennial Chorus and has composed numerous choral works, including a recording of an original eighteen piece anthology entitled “The New Testament in Christ”. Community services include the National Exchange Club and Heart Association, as well as work with Boy Scout and church organizations.
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