Steps to living your dreams:
1. Develop your mind. "Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind." Develop your mind and you will develop the mindset that will attract the money!
2. "O.Q.P."- Hang out with "Only Quality People!" Who you run with will be who you become!
3. Develop your communication skills. Once you open your mouth, you tell the world who you are!
4. Think Big and Bold. What you think about, you can bring about! Remember, someone’;s opinion of you does not have to become your reality! You make the choice for your destiny!
5. Invest in yourself. There is a direct correlation between the books and programs you read or listen to, and the amount of money you make!
6. Expand your skill sets. Expand or become expendable! You get paid for the value you bring to the marketplace!
7. Speak Life Not Death; Blessings Not Curses! Speak Power Into Your Life. Your words create your reality! Make your conversations positive, productive, purposeful and profitable.