The People Factor – be more effective by understanding the people around you: Living in Balance
Program Titles
- The Challenge of Aging Gracefully
- Thoughts of a Late Blooming Father
- How to have a Fair Fight
- Writing to Resolution
- You Are the Front Line
- The People Factor – be more effective by understanding the people around you
- On Death and Dying – with personal story, how to deal with the death of a loved one
- Overcoming Death by PowerPoint
- What made you decide you wanted to adopt a child?
Bob Gerold skill set is adaptable to a wide array of organizational needs, in business, industry and governmental agencies.
His client list includes Chrysler Corporation, Ford Motor Company, Abu Dabai National Gas Company, Monsanto, Shell Oil, Ross Roy, Inspire Insurance, Zig Ziglar Inc., High Performance Resources, SkillPath and more.
His speaking engagements have included: IBM, BHP, Dow, A.T.&T., South Central Bell, Shell Oil, University of West Florida, Tulane University School, University of New Orleans, American Heart Association, American Banking Association, American Institute of Architects, Ontario General Contractors Association, Premier Bank of Louisiana, Dean Witter, Merrill Lynch, Ward Malette, H.D. Vest, Morris Massey Associates, Wishard and Associates, and more.
In addition to above, he has been a counselor, a NYC taxi drive, a Chamber of Commerce executive, Vice President of a medical complex and a successful businessman.
His diverse background brings a unique eclectic perspective to his work. Precisely because of this he has the skills and insight to understand and bridge the gap between personal needs and organizational effectiveness. Columnist – ‘Life in the Middle’
Book Bob Gerold for your Event!