Become a parent to an aging parent
Darwin Abrahamson
Certified Financial Planner
Laura L. Addington, CFP, MSFS
Specialist in pre-retirement and retirement planning, investment allocation strategies, and mature market issues.
Arlene Alpert, M.S., LMHC
Emotional Re-Education and Spiritual Growth
Terry Ballantyne
How to view adversity as an asset and an opportunity and to use it to move to higher levels of success!
Neal Barnard, M.D.
Neal Barnard, M.D.: Better health through powerful dietary changes
Michelle Barone, M.A., M.F.T.
Beyond Academics: Exploring your Families Educational journey
Elaine Estervig Beaubien
By day…marketing, supply and demand, leadership, employee retention, communication and team building
Luther Beauchamp, JD
Mostly for Laughter: I'll Try To Be Short
Alan Bernstein, LCSW
Creating the Second Half of Your Life & Career-life Extension
Shira Block, M.A. (Psychology)
Improving family dynamics: Assist Boomers - and their parents
Ginny Brewster, CFP
Money- Empowerment
Michael Brickey, Ph.D.
Anti-Aging Psychology to Grow Young and Live with Purpose
William Bridges
William Bridges has helped organizations & individuals deal more effectively with change
Philip Mitchell Bruschi
Mind and Memory Fitness
Gordon Lee Burgett
Skills - Writing
Louis B. Cady, M.D.
'Without Your Head, You're Dead'
Dr. Richard Peter Caldwell
Using historical, sports and personal examples, Dick gives new meaning to the phrase As you believe. His dynamic personality, powerful delivery and strong convictions combine to make the audience part of the sharing experience that takes place.
Bruce Clark, MBA, Ph.D.
Bridging the Gap: Building Trust Across the Generations
Alice Collins
Seniors know they are too old to Trick or Treat when ...
William Cone, Ph.D.
Health & Nutrition, Psychology, Geriatric Psychologist
Ruth Laverne Constant, Ed.D.
Professional Style: The Look of Success
Caroline M. Corser, MA
Cheerleader for Positive Lifestyles
Cynthia Teresa Cristilli
Dramatize a difficult topic in a realistic, thought-provoking manner
Anne Marie Cummings
Baby Boomer Bonding
Maddy Kent Dychtwald
Megatrends for the twenty-first century
Ken Dychtwald Ph.D.
The Age Wave: New Opportunities in a Maturing Marketplace
Mike Egan, MBA, CFP ®, CIMA ®
Ensure Your Income is Retirement Plan Ready: Can you count on receiving Social Security?
Mark A. Everest
Educate. Motivate. Inspire.
Davis L. Fisher
Understanding the customer's relationship to money