A Formula To Make Funds Last Lifetime: Retirement planning & Social Security issues
W. Neil Gallagher, Ph.D.
How to Retire Safe, Early and Happy!
Bob Gerold
The People Factor - be more effective by understanding the people around you: Living in Balance
Allison Gilbert
Allison Gilbert addresses grief, recovery from loss, and the bonds that hold families together
Jim Gilmartin
Baby boomers & seniors: The most valuable generations in the history of marketing
Connie Goldman
Aging - Retirement: The Wisdom of the Garden
Patricia Greenberg
Eat Well, Live Well, Age Well.
Don Grimes
How to prepare for and profit from the aging of America
Mary Karr Handley
To encourage, inspire and teach compassion, respect & a positive attitude to people of all ages
Jeanne M. Harper, MPS, LBSW, FT, BCETS, DAPA
You, too, can Persevere through Adversity by renaming it a Creative Opportunity for Growth
Hattie equips audiences with the skills to enjoy a life of health, fitness, timeless beauty and sexuality.
Henry K. (Bud) Hebeler
Retirement: Dissemination of sound financial planning information that applies to a wide range of personal investment, economic and income situations.
Ruth E. Heidrich, Ph.D.
Health - Medical - Cancer: A Race For Life
David Horgan
When Your Parent Moves In
Sandra E. Howlett, Ed.D.
Unique ability to assist you in your organization transformation
Dr. Joan E. Irvine
It's Not About Getting Old, It's About Creating the Best Chapter of Your Life
Silvia Jimenez, M.D.
Inspiration, Personal Growth, Integrative Medicine, Mind-Body Connection, Motivation, Womens Health
Lissi Kaplan
Creating passion, joy & purpose
Karen L. Kenney, Ph.D., MFT
Relationships: Marriage & family therapist
Tom Laga, Ph.D.
Motivates you to assume personal responsibility for self-care, disease prevention, health education, longevity, and the healing of body-mind-spirit via nutrition-fitnesss-stresscare and interpersonal communication.
Kathleen Lenover
She is a nationally known financial educator
Louis Levy
Louis Levy has been on Broadway; put on film festivals; acted in numerous feature films and plays; sung cabaret; performed voiceovers; and written reviews.
Stephen Weber Long, Ph.D. (psychologist)
Dr. Long is a licensed psychologist, with expertise in gerontology, caregiving, and the settings for the elderly and those with disabilities.
Layne Longfellow, Ph.D.
Psychologist, poet, musician, scientist; mature interpreter of the wisdom of all four
Joy Loverde
The Complete Eldercare Planner: Where to Start, Questions to Ask, How to Find Help
Philip G. Lubinski, CFP
Investment strategy with the objective of providing inflation-adjusted income for life.
Roberta Lyon
Humor in the Workplace
Jane L. Mahakian, Ph.D.
Health Care Industry: Corporate presentations on elder care planning, Alzheimer's disease, healthy aging, and validating your loved one with dementia.
Jacqueline Marcell
Eldercare awareness: How to manage caregiving and eldercare, medically and behaviorally.
Franklin T. McGee
Comedian: Humorist.