Kevin V. Saunders, helps organizations motivate and inspire their employees to be the best they can be and surpass their goals. Kevin’s presentation lifts, inspires and motivates the spirit.
Program Titles
- There’s Always a Way
- What set that determination in your mind to want to be the best?
- The Lean Body Challenge
- Kevin’s call is to YOU! His message can change YOUR life—as well as that of your family, friends, and co-workers. Feel free to contact him. Your organization can become a part of his current The Kevin Saunders Health & Fitness Tour of America.
- Kevin is a paraplegic and is paralyzed from the chest down.
- He has literally and figuratively overcome his adversity and turned his tragedy into a success. Let him share his secrets with you and help you bring out the champion within
Kevin V. Saunders, PCPFS (Presidents Council on Physical Fitness and Sports), the worst grain elevator explosion in South Texas history changed Kevin Saunders forever. A federal grain inspector, graduate of Kansas State University. On April 7, 1981, fate tapped Kevin on the shoulder. An incredible blast ripped through 2-feet-thick reinforced concrete of a Corpus Christi grain elevator where Kevin was working. Ten co-workers were killed outright. Kevin found himself flung over 300 feet through the air (more than the length of a football field). Landing on concrete, he felt pain searing through his body like a hot poker.
Doctors sadly told family members that Kevin would not survive. With massive internal and external injuries, collapsed lungs, and a severed spinal cord, there was no way that Kevin Saunders would come out of the experience alive. THERE’S ALWAYS A WAY!”
But with an indomitable spirit and a tenacious will to live and excel, Kevin beat the odds. “There’s always a way!” he reminded everyone within earshot. Never mind that he was paralyzed from the chest down. Never mind that the rest of his life would be spent in a wheelchair. Kevin Saunders elected to approach life with optimism, enthusiasm, and determination. He was compelled to improve himself through continuing education and physical training. In spite of adversity, he lives life to the fullest. Kevin reached for the stars and became a champion.
Featured in many television and print advertisements promoting fitness and education. While paralyzed from the chest down, Kevin shows that no matter whom you are or your situation, you can increase the quality of your life through education and fitness.
“Kevin is an inspiring young man who has beaten all the odds to become one of the premier athletes in the world. He is truly a remarkable person and is a sensational role model for America’s youth.”
— U.S. Senator Bob Dole
Books by Kevin V. Saunders, PCPFS
- There’s Always a Way
- Blueprint For Success
- Conversations In Health And Wellness
- Comic Book — Centaur — The First Action Wheelchair Hero
Book Kevin V. Saunders, PCPFS for your Event!