Odyssey of overcoming adversity to become a successful and much sought after business owner
Terry Ballantyne
How to view adversity as an asset and an opportunity and to use it to move to higher levels of success!
Yvonne Bornstein
Journey Of Courage: Personal Kidnapping Experience Terror, Torture & histroic FBI & KGB rescue
Irene Brennick
Success Strategies from a former Welfare Mom
Scott Burrows
Vision, Mind-set and a Gritty Desire to Persevere! It's what separates the Winners and Top Producers from the Rest of the Pack
Captain Dave Carey
How did you survive as a POW for five and half years in Vietnam?
Kimberly Carnevale
Kimberly is an expert in utilizing adversity and intrinsic motivation in order to create success.
Reggie Cervantes
9/11 - A EMT survivor's story of resilience
Charles Clark
How to use adversity to build greater strength, success, & fulfillment
Zion Clark
No Excuses, Lives by Encouraging Others
Christine Clifford
Persuasion: From Industry Leading Salesperson to Cancer Survivor
Captain Gerald L. Coffee
Commentator on current political, economic, and social issues
Kiné Corder
Kiné is a dynamic speaker: Spoken Word Poet, Host, Actor
Nicholas D’Agostino
Athlete of the Heart & Mind
Kurt A. David
Fear change – Kurt’s mantra is to embrace it! Embrace Change & Adversity
Segun Dele-David
Greatness is possible: Affectionately known as ' Mr. Greatness'
Michael Dunn
Attached by one of the fiercest predators known to man - a grizzly bear.
Edith Eva Eger, Ph.D.
Helping individuals discard their limitations, discover their powers of self-renewal, and achieve things they previous thought unattainable
Dan Galloway
ADHD, Fiction, & Non Fiction in Action!
Bill Goss, USN (Ret.)
Health - Cancer - Survivor: After the Attack: Are You Ready to Start Healing?
Marc Alan Hardy
How to Value Adversity: Considered an expert in adversity
Thomas R. Hargrove, Ph.D.
A Year in the Valley of the Shadow: Kidnapped by Colombian Guerillas
Robin L. Higgins
Adversity: Col. Rich Higgins, POW or Hostage?
Michael Hingson
Trusting & moving forward after 9/11: World Trade Center - A Life Changed Forever
Dan Holdridge
Weapons of Mass Appreciation: You Don't Have to Live Through a Terrorist Attack to Learn from One
Steffond O’Shea Johnson
Pairing entities in meaningful & viable relationships that enable all parties to realize their goals
Linda J. Johnson
Living in the Shadows of Iraq: Military Contracting
Cullen Jones
An ambassador for African-American swimmers: Medalist - Freestyle Relay
Valerie Y. Jones
Behavior and Values Assessment
Simon Keith
Inspirational | Author | Entrepreneur | Athlete | Philanthropist