Models of Doom: A Critique of the Limits to Growth
Program Titles
- Methods of futures studies with Millennium Project
- Disaster Management
- International Planning and Development.
- Planning Techniques in Action
- Worlds Apart: Technology, Distribution and the International Economy
- The Global Impact of Information Technology
- Global Models and Futures Studies
Sam Cole’s interests match his teaching and experience.
He is involved in projects on methods of futures studies with the United Nations University Millennium Project, Tourism Planning, Disaster Management and Planning with a European-Japanese-US group, and social accounting methods in regional science.
Professor Cole on:
Tourism and Recreation Policy,
Sustainable Development,
Global Issues
Futures Studies.
Books by Sam Cole
- Thinking About the Future: A Critique of the Limits to Growth
- World Futures: The Great Debate
- Dare to Dream – Bringing Futures Studies into Planning.
- Lifelines and Livelihood: A Social Accounting Matrix Approach to Calamity Preparedness
- Models of Doom: A Critique of the Limits to Growth
- The Global Impact of Information Technology