Whether you are in the middle of a crisis, anticipate one, or just want your executives to be able to convey reassuring messages
Bob Berry
Bob Berry, on Crane Safety ...
Cheryl Burress
It all begins with the basics of emergency management and how these relate to the threats and hazards that could affect you - SARS, Terrorism, Weather, etc. What threats & hazards concern you?
Herb Cohen
You Can Negotiate Anything
Sam Cole
Models of Doom: A Critique of the Limits to Growth
Leila F. Dane, Ph.D.
Specialist in traumatic stress & conflict resolution
Joseph Jay Fitch, Ph.D.
Helping organizations to improve the quality of care, decrease response times, increase financial effectiveness, and strengthen public trust in EMS
Barton Goldsmith, Ph.D.
Expert on innovative leadership: Award-winning Psychotherapist
Jim Greene, M.A.
Motivate and inspire others to find Hope which stands for Hold On Possibilities Exist.
Kurk J. Lalemand
Crisis Intervention
Joan Maltais
Emergency Preparedness Specialist: Emergency Mitigation
David McCann, B.Sc., MD, MPH, CCFP, FAASFP
Disaster Medicine Expert; practicing Family Practice and Emergency Department Physician; Chief Medical Officer, FL-1 DMAT with DHS
Robert G. Mellinger
Business Continuity Planning - Expecting the Unexpected
Gerald C. Meyers
Workplace: When It Hits the Fan: Managing the Nine Crises of Business.
Bonni Montevecchi, MA
Creative keynotes-find clues, set sail for Someday Isle, Everyday's a Holiday, nourish yourself with a motivational meal.
Isabel Perry, Ed.D.
Dr. Perry is an international safety expert.
Peter G. Power, BA, FIRM, FCMI, FBCI, FEPS
Risk: Disaster Management, perception, the impact of terrorism & effective media handling
Michael F. Staley
Igniting the Leader Within