One of the few children who survived the Terezin concentration camp in Czechoslovakia.
David Bergman
Horrific journey from Reichenbach to Dachau
Alexander Blass, M.B.A.
Innovation and Creativity: Top Innovator of the Year Award
Edith Eva Eger, Ph.D.
Helping individuals discard their limitations, discover their powers of self-renewal, and achieve things they previous thought unattainable
Ilse van Goth
Cross-Cultural Communication: German business culture & U.S. - German business partnership
Gunther & Shirley Karger
Rising from the ashes of the Holocaust and Global Society Rising
Joseph I. Kessler
"An Era: Looking Back " Provides educators with the resources to teach about the Holocaust.
Rosalyn Kirkel
Holocaust survivors tell horror stories
Erica Miller, Ph.D.
Real Conversations that Energize, Excite and Inspire
Susanne M. Reyto
Turn adversity to strength and live a more fulfilled life.
Cantor Estherleon Schwartz
Estherlion: From Slaughter to Forgiveness, Everyone is Destined to Serve
George Simpson
Holocaust: A young man 's determination to survive during the darkest times of human history.