Estherlion: From Slaughter to Forgiveness, Everyone is Destined to Serve
Kay L. Seliskar
Memories of Life on the Road Planting Seeds of the Heart
Faiez H. Seyal
Faiez’s niche, is his unique blending of behavioral sciences, spiritualism and religion with the modern management principles
Lisa Shaw
Psychic Development & Healing
Linda Evans Shepherd, CTM, CLASS
Message of joy, hope & faith! : She teaches how to walk the deeper walk.
Dr. Ralph Showers
Total Life Concept for Mentally Retarded Adults
Jeff Steinberg
Masterpiece In Progress: The Best You Can Be...
Lynne Stuart
Sharing physical, emotional, mental or spiritual tools that can be taken home
Bill R. Swetmon
Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking
Camille Tirzah
Camille Tirzah on fitness based on integrating as key components; body, mind, and spirit.
Lord Valkyrie
World Peace In Our Time
Joanne M. Wallace
Because You're Worth it!
Waylon O. Ward
How to mentor other men: Global Fathering Initiative
Teri Werner
Changing Hearts . . . In a Changing World
Joy Robin Whitley
Life is Art. Art is Life.
Marianne Williamson
Marianne Williamson have been taken up by those seeking a relationship with God that is not strictly tethered to Christianity.
Sean M. Wright
An expert on Sherlock Holmes
Rev. Nancy J. Wurlitzer
A Non-denominational ordained minister who will create and perform unique spiritually based traditional or contemporary wedding ceremonies.
Rabbi Eliyahu Yaakov
Rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem – and within ourselves