Culture Hacker
Matt Havens
Generational Differences - Leadership - Make Your Business Human
Meagan Johnson
From Boomers To Linksters Managing the Friction Between Generations at Work.
Kimberly Lear
Leverage the strengths of a multigenerational workforce: Divide
Joe Marlotti
The M-Factor: How the Millennial Generation Is Rocking the Workplace: One-man show
Roberta Chinsky Matuson
The Talent Maximizer®: Organizations achieve dramatic growth & market leadership
Aaron McDaniel
Millennial expert with corporate experience with a Fortune Global 100 company
Robert C. McMillan, MBA, MS
What leadership network is your organization running on?
Bob Nelson, Ph.D.
Rewarding Employees: Motivating Today's Employees: The Employee-Retention Guru
Thomas Koulopoulos
Authority on knowledge management, workflow and technologies for business process redesign.
Clint Pulver
Employee Retention: retain, engage & inspire the younger generation
Brad Szollose
Bridging Generational Chaos: Workforce Culture & Customer - Millennial
Hannah Ubl
When generations connect: Hannah Ubl - Generational Speaker
Chuck Underwood
Evaluted from the beginning as the best presenter of generational dynamics & strategies