Education; Western, Eastern, and Islamic
E. J. Edge Bassette
Explore Your Options for Success
Keo Capestany
The sting of a broken system
Carlos Conejo
Carlos Conejo will help you increase your bottom line!: Selling & Marketing to Multicultural Customers
Andrea C. Hummel Corella
Managing diversity and achieving cultural competence
Gayle Cotton, BS, MS
Keys to Successful Cross-Cultural Communication
Eileen Dong, NASA Scholar
Human Rights Activist: dedicated to the awareness & prevention of gender-based violence
Donell Edwards
A decade of experience in retail and outside sales, he was a successful radio announcer
J. Greg Gimba
Strategic Global Marketing: Retain and Sustain Competitive Advantage by Listening To Your Customers
Michael Gonzales, Ph.D.
A menmtal Health professional that will help you look at fitness in a way to improve the bottom line
Miri Hunter Haruach, Ph.D.
Develop strong, empowered, beautiful women & men who work to create a spiritual / uplifting world
Cheryl A. Highwarden
Leadership and team development
Eun Y. Kim, Ph.D.
Cross-Cultural Communication
Kimberly Lear
Leverage the strengths of a multigenerational workforce: Divide
Losang Rabgey, Ph.D.
Losang Rabgey, Ph.D., is a social innovator with specialization in gender relations, bridging cultural divides.
Michelle Ray
Leadership - An Inside Job: Take charge of your attitude & transform your workplace
Renford Reese, Ph.D.
Dr. Renford Reese on Empathy, Humility, & Forgiveness
Reverend Dr. Nicole B. Simpson, CFP®
World Trade Center Survivor, Entrepreneur Empowerment Speaker. How to overcome unexpected disasters that can stagnate one’s personal life because of a crisis.
Judith A. Starkey
Multicultural Strategies
Dr. Mary-Frances Winters
Dr. Mary-Frances Winters: Emphasis in ethnic and multicultural issues
Syed S. Zafar
How to Succeed in Multicultural America