Futurist / Forecaster
Arnold Brown
Insider's Guide to the Future
Gerald P. Buccino, Ph.D., CPA
Daniel A. Burrus
How To Use Technology To Go Beyond The Competition
Gerald Celente
Future: The most trusted name in trends - Forecasting worldwide
Joseph F. Coates
America's next thirty years
Ann Coombs
Creating Living Workplaces
Robert Mayer Evans, JD
He primary focus is on Globalization, Organizational Transformation, Competitiveness
Warren A. Evans
Economists analyze statistics; demographers do ages; techno-guru’s deliver the next ‘Oh Wow!’
Thomas Frey
IBM’s most award-winning engineer: News from the Future
Glen E. Hiemstra
Turning the Future Into Revenue: What Businesses and Individuals Need to Know to Shape Their Futures
Daniel Levine
How to Use the Power of Trends to Attract Customers & Increase Sales
L. Hunter Lovins
Increases core business value by harnessing the powerful forces of the market to enable companies to use resources more productively and behave in ways that are restorative of people and planet.
Ryan Mathews
Changing With The Times: Using Technology To Anticipate Your Client's Needs.
Chris Riddell
Human Futurist - Business Trends - Leadership - Innovation - AI
Edwin Richard. Rigsbee
Developming Profitable Strategic Alliances: Inception to Implementation
Marian Salzman
A look into the future with trends, technology, consumer products, society, and family
Michael Wynne
Take a new look at the future of your business!: In English & Spanish