Remove negative roadblocks that may threaten your success.
Lou Peel
Personal Development - Image
Gloria J. Petersen
Proper business protocol play a crucial role in the development of cross cultural business relationships.
Doris Pooser
Image/Self-Esteem: Always In Style
Valerie Ramsey
Valerie Ramsey world-famous beauty reveals the best-kept secrets behind her timeless face, toned body, and unstoppable spirit.
Roslyn M. Rolan, AICI, CIP
Roslyn Rolan, how to achieve an overall polished presence.
Marilyn L. Schott
Increase your business sales & your bank accounts
Shawna Schuh
Conquering apathy and erasing rudeness
Clare Spiegel
Personal Development - America's Image coach: Maximize Your Personal Power
Patricia Stephenson
Personal Development - Image: First Impressions
Laena Karen Stringer
Laena Stringer: Spokesmodel, actress, singer, and dancer
Margaux Tartarotti
Fashion design, both haute couture and ready-to-wear: International fashion expert
Dale Smith Thomas
Personal Development - Image
Lizandra Vega
Business Protocol (including dining etiquette, virtual etiquette netiquette, social etiquette / networking)
Dawn E. Waldrop
Dawn helps your company increase credibility, visibility, professionalism, and profit
Jane Watson
Specializes in helping small and home-based businesses succeed by setting up simple organizational techniques
Jeffrey C. Yalden
Education, Image / Self-Esteem, Motivation
LaVerne P. Yates
Noreen Young
You never get a second chance to make a first impression
Kim Zoller
Projecting Positive Impressions: Effective communication