How to Really Love the One You're With
Barbara Barrington Jones
Finding Your Personal Style
Patty Kellogg
Few things more difficult than being in a relationship that is unraveling
Karen L. Kenney, Ph.D., MFT
Relationships: Marriage & family therapist
Cheryl L. Kirking
Improve your relationships and gain a better understanding of yourselve
Lin Klaassen
Physiognomy, Personology, Face Reading, Body Language, and Human Behavior
Dr. Crystal A. Kuykendall
Human Relations Expert
Ann Marie & James R. Kwaiser
Set the Example by their Attitude, Word, and Action
Cheryl Landon, M.A.
Highway to Success Series
Michael Learned
Women in the work place to dealing with abusive relationships
Wayne M. Levine, M.A.
Making good men better men, fathers, husbands and leaders.
Florence C. Littauer
Personality expert
Marita K. Littauer
Talking So People Will Listen
Sue & Bob Lopez
Living life from the heart - A musical example of a loving relationship in action
Keith Lowry
Who's Driving You Out of Your Mind
Bari Beth Lyman
Revelation for the Marriage Minded
Kate MacHugh, BSW
Ugly: The Story of a Bullied Girl
Carole Ann Mackey, MCC
Communication: Learn the secrets to flirting success and discover the kind of flirt you are!
Ann Mahony, BS
What Makes People Tick?
Mary Jane Mapes
She believes you build your business when you build your relationships.
Mary Marcdante
Keeping leaders and teams inspired, enthusiastic, and healthy in changing times
Bunnie McCormack
Infusing more laughter into one's life adds joy, enthusiasm, and a new zest for life.
Patricia McGill, M.A.
Create a more productive workplace where every employee is valued: Energy to Enthuse and Inspire
Dr. Alan Loy McGinnis
Achieving Balance in Your Professional and Personal Life
Jane Hight McMurry, MA
An uninformed woman is like a stick of dynamite; she has power inside but nothing happens until her fuse is lit. Jane Hight McMurry lights the fuse.
Connie Merritt, RN, BSN, PHN
Finding Love (Again)
Gary Michael, Ph.D.
Strange Encounters of a First Kind: How to Wow Everyone You Meet
Hope Mihalap
Original, bright, hilarious. Fresh insights into different cultures. Mark Twain Humor Award Winner
Will Miller, M.S.S.W., M.A., M.S., M.Div., Ed.D.
Creating Essential Relationships: interpersonal relationships
Vicki Mizel
Exploring possibilities of the regeneration of the brain through memory techniques she has coined, Brain Sprouts.