Helping Everyone With a Vision Find Their Freedom: Find the Power Within to Choose Wisely!
Lt. Col Rob Waldo Waldman
Proud to be your Wingman! : A Trusted Partner in Business and Life!
Ken Wallace
Your Better Self: Better Than Your Best
Rosemary Ward, MA
Attitude Advantage
Jane Watson
Specializes in helping small and home-based businesses succeed by setting up simple organizational techniques
Joyce Weiss
Joyce Weiss is a specialist on employee performance and group dynamics.
Tom Welch, MBA
UNLEASH the Power of You and your people!
Robert W. Wendover
Generations: Understanding Age Diversity in Today’s Workplace
Donald E. Wetmore, JD
Stress Management: TAKE THE STRESS TEST: We're all trying to BEAT THE CLOCK
Jeffrey A. Wildfogel, Ph.D.
The Mental Edge: The Psychology of Peak Performance
Kirk Wilkinson
Kirk brings a unique and fresh perspective on how small changes can make a huge difference.
Larry Winget
The Pitbull of Personal Development
Laura W. Woloch, MBA
Ph.D. in Educational Leadership & Innovation: Laura's programs focus on tightening personal productivity, balancing work and family, simplifying life, and eliminating clutter.
Tim Wright
Spirit of Performance programs are based on specific values proven to assist hospital management teams in “blowing the lid off” their performance.
Garrison Wynn
Success is more than being good at what you do, it is about being consistently chosen to do it
Michele Matt Yanna
Performance Enhancement: Attitude: Your Key to Success
Russell J. Yaquinto
An accomplished human development specialist
Christine K. Young
Help You Develop Passion For Your Work - and Get the Job
Bob Younglove
Bob Younglove will motivate your audience to take responsible actions to be healthier, happier, and more successful. Laugh while you learn practical strategies and daily habits to keep moving toward your goals and ideal future.
Judy D. Zitzloff
Judy D. Zitzloff helps improve individual and organizational performance.
David S. Zuckerman
David S Zuckerman: Customized Improvement Strategies