Cultural Exchange: Best of Luton Award
Risha Grant
Create a successful diversity communications plan of action
Cathy Harris
Highly Interactive, Experiential Programs: Position Yourself to Win!
Rosemary Calhoun-Horner
Put a halt to the whirlwind of mental and physical activity that can suffocate our productivity.: Rosie wants to help you and your organization connect to your passion, purpose and potential thru caring communications!
Maya Hu-Chan, MCC
Global leadership, cross cultural management, diversity & inclusion
Dr. Cynthia D. Hunter
Learn How to Succeed Against the Odds: Succeeding against the Odds
Rev. Markel Hutchins
Rev. Markel Hutchins on diversity, civil rights, political, social, racial & generational matters
Cullen Jones
An ambassador for African-American swimmers: Medalist - Freestyle Relay
Tarik Karenga
Focus on soaring to excellence through Leadership Mastery and Teamwork for astounding levels of growth, productivity, and profitability.
Lori Kaye
Travel Expert, in search of knowledge: Adventure, geography, world affairs
Diann Cameron Kelly, Ph.D.
Her goal is to help build inclusive, engaged organizational climates that promote satisfaction among laborers and consumers alike.
Eun Y. Kim, Ph.D.
Cross-Cultural Communication
Dennis P. Kimbro, Ph.D.
Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice
Beverly Kirkhart
A profound message, giving listeners courage and inspiration to triumph over adversity in all areas of their lives.
Dawn Lake, MA, Lt. Colonel
On Terror’s Trail
Nan Leaptrott
Rules of the Game: Global Business Protocol
Michael Soon Lee, M.B.A.
Selling to multi-cultural customers, the power of diversity, low- budget marketing, Generation- X employees.
Elliott Lewis
Writer - Journalist: Chicken Gumbo for the Multicultural Soul
Simma Lieberman
Diversity & Inclusion: Effective. Simma gets results, Enhanced productivity, Reduced employee turnover, Improved communication, Increased morale and decreased burnout and Personal Growth and Balance
Ruth B. Love, Ph.D. (Edu)
Planning to Fail or Failing to Plan
M. Rutledge McCall
Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another: Raise the Standard
Thomas Earl McKinney
Thom McKinney is a messenger who can provide insight and encouragement that will inspire the spirit and satisfy the soul.
Evajoye Laurel Mendoza
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
Hope Mihalap
Original, bright, hilarious. Fresh insights into different cultures. Mark Twain Humor Award Winner
Roy Miller aka Leroy Ace Miller
Law - Family
Reverend Bill Moody
National Evangelist
Jacent Mary Mpalyenkana, Ph.D., MBA
Unleash the brilliant insights & solutions beneath the human mind
Peggy O’Neill, CHT
The Tiny Speaker Who Empowers You to Walk Tall!
Eva Orner
Eva Orner, Academy award-winning film producer & director
Rey Ortega
Rey Ortega: Comedy Ventriloquist