Strategies for Creating Growth & Bottom Line Impact
John L. Bennett, MPA, CMC, PCC
Leading the Edge of Change
Ilise B. Benun
Tips to Promote Yourself & Your Business: Real-World, First Hand Success Strategies
Jonah Berger Ph.D.
Magic Words: What to Say to Get Your Way
Fran Berman, MBA
Insight and real-world techniques critical to success in today's fast-changing world
Debbie Lynn Bermont
She shows you what it takes to reduce your marketing costs and accelerate your sales growth
Nancy Berry
The Art of the Joyful Life: Nancy will energize, motivate, and inspire your audience
Dirk Beveridge
The Resource: Passionately improving performance & productivity
Jeff Bezos
Bezos committed to hiring the best employees, always looking for intelligent and innovative individuals
Mary Bigelow
Time & Goals: How To Have More of What You Want
Walter J. Biscardi
Mr. Positive
Tom Black
The Boxcar Millionaire
Roger D. Blackwell, Ph.D.
Marketing strategy: global marketing & retail: Powerful Practical Ideas to use Now
Jay A. Block
Redesigning YOUR Entire Life So That You Live a Meaningful, Purposeful, and Passionate Life
Ira Blumenthal
Media - Talk Show Host
Wally Bock
Business Stategist and personal results in the Digital Age
Robert J. Bolya
Program to improve your production and profit
James E. Bowen, Ph.D., PMP, CMC
Start-ups: Understanding beyond business plans
CB Bowman-Ottomanelli, MBA, MCEC, CVP, CVF, BCC, CMC
The Corporate Courage Doctor
Jim Brammer
Business solutions for professional photographers
Robert F. Brands
Robert’s Rules of Innovation™.
Ken G. Braswell
Mark Breier, MBA
Getting it Done: Seven Secrets of Successful CEOs
Marina A. Britsky, MBA
Innovator in strategic marketing, project planning, communications and process design
Melinda Brody, MIRM
7 Qualities of Super Sales People: How to stand out in a crowded marketplace
Glenn Brome
Influencing your company’s performance
Brenda Gayle Bryant
Using appropriate leadership and management techniques that foster employer-employee interaction
Jen Buck
Your Attitude is SuperPower
Betsy Buckley
How can you involve, excite, energize and use your staffs' talents to the maximum?
Rick Butts
Discovering the Three Treasures of Courage