Create meaning in your work and life
Gordon Lee Burgett
Skills - Writing
Eric Chester
Empowerment: Expert on Generation Why
Bruce Clark, MBA, Ph.D.
Bridging the Gap: Building Trust Across the Generations
Ken Dychtwald Ph.D.
The Age Wave: New Opportunities in a Maturing Marketplace
Maddy Kent Dychtwald
Megatrends for the twenty-first century
Elliott Ettenberg, MBA
Elliott Ettenberg a consumer marketing executive, helps companies around the world adapt to the baby boomer phenomenon
Debra Fiterman
Debra is dedicated to bridging generation gaps at work.
Jim Gilmartin
Baby boomers & seniors: The most valuable generations in the history of marketing
Kel Gratke
A Riddle for the Generations: (Xer)
Gustavo Grodnitzky, Ph.D.
Culture Hacker
Phil Gwoke
Helping organizations recruit, retain, & engage each generation of talent
Lynne Lancaster
When Generations Collide: Who They Are. Why They Clash. How to Solve the Generational Puzzle at Work
Kimberly Lear
Leverage the strengths of a multigenerational workforce: Divide
Amy Lynch
Amy offers hands-on solutions for inter-generational conflict
Joe Marlotti
The M-Factor: How the Millennial Generation Is Rocking the Workplace: One-man show
Judy A. Marston
Generational issues in the workplace, especially between Boomers and Generation X & Y
Seth Mattison
One of the millions of Millennials/Gen Yers around the world trying to make an impact in their communities and companies
Gerry Myers
Myers, a pioneer in the women’s market
Thomas Koulopoulos
Authority on knowledge management, workflow and technologies for business process redesign.
David Stillman
How to leverage a better understanding of the generations into a more compatible, cohesive and productive workforce
Brad Szollose
Bridging Generational Chaos: Workforce Culture & Customer - Millennial
Chuck Underwood
Evaluted from the beginning as the best presenter of generational dynamics & strategies
Mike Walsh
Breakthrough innovation & business transformation
Scott Zimmer
Scott Zimmer, Gen Xer